Swallow swab test is a medical test method, which uses a medical cotton swab to dip a small amount of secretion from the pharynx of human body, inoculates it in a special culture dish, and then places it in a temperature-controlled device for culture. You can know the patient’s condition, oral mucosa and throat infection. Secretions were taken from pharynx and tonsil for bacterial culture or virus isolation. Novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted through respiratory tract, so taking samples from pharynx can be further investigated. When nucleic acid is positive, it indicates that there is virus infection. 當然, its false negative probability is also relatively high, and the accuracy rate is about 30%, which usually needs to be taken three or four times.
深圳Medico Technology Co.產生的口咽病毒微生物植入的抽樣拭子採用獨特的注射尼龍纖維植入技術,這增加了標本的收集和釋放。該拭子的總長度為14.5厘米, 塑料棒具有獨特的易碎設計. 它的絨毛質地可以收集更多目標分析物,拭子已滅菌並獨立包裝. 獨立包裝中的無菌拭子.