» 公司新聞 » “諾曼第時刻” COVID-19 爆發?

“諾曼第時刻” COVID-19 爆發?


最近, NBC News published an article about the medical staff in the intensive care unit of the United States about to be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine, and said that the arrival of the vaccine brought many American medical staff hope to overcome the epidemic.

他們之中, a person in charge of the vaccine program of the US government compared the arrival of the new crown vaccine with the landing war carried out by the Western allies in Normandy during World War II, calling it the “諾曼第時刻” of the COVID-19 epidemic. NBC News also directly wrote this statement in the title of the report.

然而, many Chinese netizens find this metaphor very strange.

As shown in the figure below, NBC News recently quoted a person in charge of the US government vaccine program as saying that this was the “諾曼第時刻” of the COVID-19 outbreak in a report about the first batch of medical staff in the US intensive care unit to be vaccinated with COVID-19.

NBC News also wrote this analogy directly to the title of its report.

然而, after this incident spread to China, many Chinese netizens were puzzled by this analogy. After all, as the first country to be attacked by the COVID-19 outbreak, 中國, 和 1.3 億人, struggled to control the epidemic as early as this spring and told the world how to fight against this new virus.

實際上, if some people in the United States and even in the West take the warnings from China seriously from the beginning and effectively prevent the epidemic, instead of arrogantly ignoring the epidemic warnings from China, and even absurdly think that the epidemic will only happen in China where the political system isinferiorto theirs, and oncemade irresponsible remarksabout China’s prevention and control measures and carried out all kinds of ideological slander, the COVID-19 epidemic will not develop in their country to the extremely bad situation where tens of millions of people are infected and hundreds of thousands of people are killed.


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