二月 5, 2020, 國家衛生委員會總辦公室正式發布了有關在新型冠狀病毒中印刷和分發肺炎感染診斷和治療計劃的通知 (審判 5), 它提到可以在鼻咽拭子中檢測到新型冠狀病毒核酸, 痰, 下呼吸道分泌, 血, 糞便和其他標本. So how to sample nasal swab or oral swab correctly?
1. 咽拭子採樣法: The accuracy of throat swab detection is relatively high. This detection method mainly detects the bacteria in the throat of patients. If the test result is positive, it means that they are infected with virus. When the human body is in a healthy condition, there are many normal oral flora in the throat, which will not contain pathogenic bacteria. If the immunity of the human body declines, the pathogenic bacteria will lead to human infection. 此時, collecting the bacteria in the throat of the patient can determine the health status of the patient. 當然, there may be false negatives, which are mainly caused by fewer bacteria in the oral cavity at the early stage of infection, or because pathogenic bacteria have invaded the lower respiratory tract. In order to ensure the accuracy of detection, blood tests can be taken.(受到推崇的)
(1) 協助患者採取適當的姿勢, 用水沖洗; (2) 讓患者稍微傾斜頭部, 張開嘴並做出一個 “啊” 聲音, 然後快速擦拭兩個腭弓, 咽和扁桃體; (3) 將棉籤頭浸入採樣溶液中, 多次接觸管壁,以在採樣溶液中保留盡可能多的樣品, 丟棄棉花棒, 夾住尾巴, 並關閉插頭.
2. Sampling method of nasal swab:
(1) fully soak the swab in the sampling liquid, lift the swab away from the liquid surface, and repeatedly squeeze it on the pipe wall several times; (2) 讓患者頭部自然放鬆, slowly rotate the swab against the nostril wall, make it enter the patient’s first nostril to the nose and palate, and then take it out slowly while wiping and rotating. Wipe the other nostril with the same swab in the same way; (3) Put the nose swab into the sampling tube where the throat swab has been collected, contact the head of the swab with the tube wall several times to keep as many samples as possible in the sampling solution, 丟棄拭子, pinch the tail and tighten the plug.