Features of Shenzhen Medico Nasopharyngeal Sampling Flocking Swab:
醫用鼻咽採樣拭子對微生物無毒,達到醫用級別, 可以最大限度的採集和釋放標本.
大量臨床試驗表明,: 與一般無菌棉籤相比, Medico’s nylon flocking sampling swabs have a better effect on the collection and delivery of clinical microbial specimens. Especially for those who cannot be sent for inspection and placed in time. This is especially true for long specimens.
Manufacturer: Shenzhen Medico nasopharyngeal swab manufacturer Application scope: 比如病毒, mucosal cells, 核糖核酸, 脫氧核糖核酸, 微生物, organic carbon, ETC.