What is the Medico Nasopharyngeal Flocking Swab used for?
一: 使用 50 帶有鼻腔採樣拭子的新鮮組織樣本
1. 估計完全浸沒樣品所需的該產品的體積 (1g組織需要10mL).
2. 標記收集管並加入本產品的估計量.
3. Cut the sample into pieces with a thickness of less than 0.5 cm at the fastest speed.
4. Completely immerse the tissue pieces in the product in the collection tube.
5. Store the collection tube in a place with proper temperature.
6. Remove the sample from the storage place (samples stored at -20°C or -80°C must be thawed at room temperature), and use sterile forceps to remove the tissue fragments from the protective solution.
7. Immediately start RNA extraction or other processing (such as dividing the sample into smaller pieces and then resaving them). 筆記: The sample can be repeatedly frozen and thawed twenty times without affecting its RNA quality.
Medico Disposable Nasopharyngeal Swab Operating Instructions
步 1: Hold the handle and gently insert the sampling swab into the nasal cavity.
步 2: 輕輕旋轉採樣拭子 3-5 次, 然後慢慢拿出來.
步 3: 將萃取的樣本放入樣本收集管中, 打破手柄, 然後密封以完成採樣.