The difference between nasal swab and throat swab The results of the new coronavirus nucleic acid test are an important reference for the diagnosis and efficacy evaluation of the new coronavirus pneumonia. 核酸檢測篩檢檢體多來自深咳痰或咽拭子, 而咽拭子又分為鼻咽拭子和口咽拭子 . 所以, …
Comparison of chlorhexidine sterilized swabs and povidone-iodine swabs The disinfectants commonly used for disinfection of blood vessel indwelling needle cap are ethanol or iodophor. 這兩種消毒劑的殺菌機制是使微生物蛋白質凝固變性, 從而殺死細菌. 最近幾年, 複方氯己定乙醇消毒劑的臨床使用啟動. 三個消毒處理組, …
Gene detection sampling swab Product advantage: 採集系統採用尼龍基因檢測採樣拭子, 對微生物無害, 並能最大程度地增加標本採集和釋放量. A large number of clinical experiments show that nylon flocking swab has better effect on the collection and delivery of clinical microbial specimens …
nylon flocking swab Product advantage: The nylon flocking swab was used in the collection system, 對微生物無害, 並能最大程度地增加標本採集和釋放量. A large number of clinical experiments show that nylon flocking swab has better effect on the collection and delivery of clinical microbial specimens than ordinary sterile …
Vaginal specimen collection There are many gynecological examination methods, this article introduces a common detection method. Vaginal secretion samples were collected within 24 hours before the ban on sexual intercourse, bath, vaginal lavage and local medication, so as not to affect the test results.The subjects were exposed to the bladder lithotomy position, vaginal vaginal speculum. Materials used …
植入拭子特徵: Ergonomic and Anatomic Design Superior Sample Elution Rapid Absorption ( 改進的樣本收集 ) Increased Assay Sensitivity Simply Collect, Snap and Ship Quantitative Volume Transfer Perpendicular Nylon Fibers Certified Free Of Inhibitors And Interference Highly Suited To Automation Medico flocking swab FS-N96000 specimens is the best sampling tool for nasopharyngeal carcinoma …