From a throat swab collection to the nucleic acid test report on the phone, 其間經歷了什麼? 讓我們走進北安市第一人民醫院檢驗科COVID-19核酸檢測實驗室, 並跟隨醫護人員揭秘核酸檢測全過程. 首先, the sampling personnel …
核酸檢測在西安進行, Shaanxi province, 週三. 當局加強防控措施,阻止病毒傳播. [阮半輝 攝/中國日報] 最新集群, 可能與旅行團有關, require urgent action The recent COVID-19 clusters in at least seven provinces and autonomous regions, which are suspected to be related …
Open-mindedness in international community essential in tracing work To advance the probe into the origins of the novel coronavirus, 中國頂級科學家最近呼籲開放思維和國際合作, 以及在篩查野生動物標本和可能早期感染的樣本方面的持續努力. 在《柳葉刀雜誌》上發表的文章中, Chinese researchers stressed that pinpointing a …