» 行業新聞


The U.S. Drug Administration Approves Emergency Use of the First Oral Covid-19 Antiviral Medicine

新華社, 華盛頓, 十二月 22 (Reporter Tan Jingjing) On the 22nd, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral drug that can be used urgently to treat COVID-19 infections in adults and children aged 12 and older who have mild to moderate COVID-19 illnesses, as well as those at higher risk of severe illness. The US Drug

What Are the Advantages of 10-in-1 Mixed Sampling Testing

10 在 1 mixed sampling testing means that after 10 people sampled separately, the samples are put into the same virus sampling tube. This mixed sampling testing mode is suitable for large-scale testing projects and has the advantages of efficient screening and resource saving. So where are its advantages? A virus sampling tube only puts a sample of one person, …

What diseases can be checked with throat swabs?

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have done throat swabs when doing nucleic acid tests, so they have some understanding of throat swabs. 所以, in addition to nucleic acid testing, what other diseases can throat swabs check? What is a throat swab test? Pharyngeal swab examination is a frequently used examination method in respiratory medicine. When the throat of

China Lowers the Price of Covid-19 Nucleic Acid Testing

A staff member deals with nucleic acid testing samples in a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) lab in Xianyou county, 中國東部福建省, 九月 14, 2021. [攝/新華社] In order to control the expenditure on COVID-19 nucleic acid testing and screening at an affordable level, and strive to maintain a balance between epidemic prevention and control, economic development, and social life, …

Frequently Asked Questions About Mask Sterilization

南昌一家工廠的工人們正在生產醫用防護口罩, Jiangxi province. [胡國林 攝/中國日報] 一個視頻, 聲稱口罩的滅菌過程會在產品上留下致癌物質, 上週引起了公眾的擔憂. 所以, 口罩生產過程中到底發生了什麼? 這真的值得擔心嗎? 1. 用來做什麼 …


For some people who are in high-risk areas and who may be infected with the COVID-19, it is very important to do a nucleic acid testing. but it is not suitable to do the testing if there are the following conditions:   1. 30 minutes before taking samples, it is not advisable to do nucleic acid testing for people who

疾管中心專家: 現有的 COVID-19 疫苗對 Omicron 病毒仍然有效

新型冠狀病毒複製出新的突變株 “奧米克戎”. 截至 11 月 28, 南非, 以色列, 比利時, 意大利, 英國, 奧地利, 和香港, 中國, 監測了該突變菌株的輸入. 我國其他省市尚未發現該突變株的輸入. 多國升級抗疫措施 …

關於 Omicron 變體您需要了解的一切

世界衛生組織上週五將希臘字母Omicron分配給了南非新確定的Covid變體. 以下是關於Omicron變體的答案. 它叫什麼? 該變體最初稱為B.1.1.529, 但在星期五被指定為關注的變體 (VOC) 由世界衛生組織(World Health Handome)歸功於其“有關”突變 …

如何保護自己免受 COVID Delta 變種的侵害

  增量變體症狀相似,三角洲菌株確實具有與原始covid菌株相似的症狀,但是存在一些重要差異. 迄今為止, 味覺和嗅覺喪失並不是 Delta 變種的常見症狀. 與 Delta 相關的常見症狀是: •喉嚨痛•流鼻涕•發燒•發燒時頭痛 …


鼻咽拭子主要用於流感等呼吸道和腸病毒的鼻腔和喉嚨採樣, 豬流感, 禽流感, 手, 腳和嘴, ETC. 使用鼻咽採樣拭子時, 應注意以下注意事項, 否則不僅會影響採樣的準確性, 但也會對接受者造成嚴重傷害. 賽前準備 …

如何為 COVID-19 核酸檢測選擇正確的病毒保存液

現在, 新型冠狀病毒防治情勢仍十分嚴峻. 作為核酸檢測的第一步, 樣本採集與保存的重要性毋庸置疑. 檢驗業常說 “垃圾在, 垃圾出來” 很重要. 第一個影響因素是樣本收集. 如果樣本採集有問題, …

由於最新的校園 COVID-19 爆發,中國許多大學的寒假提前開始

Medical workers conduct the third round of full-scale nucleic acid testing on November 14, 2021 in a university in Dalian, Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. 照片: CFP Winter vacation for many colleges in multiple provinces across China this year will start earlier than usual amid recent domestic COVID-19 flare-ups as the new round of resurgences presents characteristics of infection clusters
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