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For some people who are in high-risk areas and who may be infected with the COVID-19, it is very important to do a nucleic acid testing. but it is not suitable to do the testing if there are the following conditions:   1. 30 minutes before taking samples, it is not advisable to do nucleic acid testing for people who

CDC Experts: The Existing COVID-19 Vaccine Still Effective Against Omicron Virus

The new coronavirus reproduces a new mutant strainOmicron”. As of November 28, South Africa, Israel, 比利時, 意大利, 英國, Austria, and Hong Kong, 中國, have monitored the input of this mutant strain. The input of this mutant strain has not been found in other provinces and cities in our country. Many countries have upgraded their anti-epidemic measures to

關於 Omicron 變體您需要了解的一切

The World Health Organization on last Friday assigned the Greek letter omicron to a newly identified Covid variant in South Africa. The following is the answer about Omicron Variant. What is it called? The variant was initially referred to as B.1.1.529, but on Friday was designated as a variant of concern (VOC) by the World Health Organization because of its “concerning” mutations

如何保護自己免受 COVID Delta 變種的侵害

  Delta Variant Symptoms Are Similar The Delta strain does have similar symptoms to the original COVID strain but there are some important differences. 迄今為止, 味覺和嗅覺喪失並不是 Delta 變種的常見症狀. 與 Delta 相關的常見症狀是: • Sore throat • Runny nose • Fever • Headaches While fever


鼻咽拭子主要用於流感等呼吸道和腸病毒的鼻腔和喉嚨採樣, 豬流感, 禽流感, 手, 腳和嘴, ETC. 使用鼻咽採樣拭子時, 應注意以下注意事項, 否則不僅會影響採樣的準確性, 但也會對接受者造成嚴重傷害. 賽前準備 …

如何為 COVID-19 核酸檢測選擇正確的病毒保存液

現在, 新型冠狀病毒防治情勢仍十分嚴峻. 作為核酸檢測的第一步, 樣本採集與保存的重要性毋庸置疑. 檢驗業常說 “垃圾在, 垃圾出來” 很重要. 第一個影響因素是樣本收集. 如果樣本採集有問題, …

由於最新的校園 COVID-19 爆發,中國許多大學的寒假提前開始

Medical workers conduct the third round of full-scale nucleic acid testing on November 14, 2021 in a university in Dalian, Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. 照片: CFP Winter vacation for many colleges in multiple provinces across China this year will start earlier than usual amid recent domestic COVID-19 flare-ups as the new round of resurgences presents characteristics of infection clusters


西寧檢測點,醫護人員對市民採集拭子樣本進行核酸檢測, 中國西北部的青海省, 十一月 8, 2021. [攝/新華社] 每當疫情爆發時,中國將堅持清除任何 COVID-19 感染的程序, 國家衛健委發言人米鋒週末表示. 它將繼續遵循 …


From a throat swab collection to the nucleic acid test report on the phone, 其間經歷了什麼? 讓我們走進北安市第一人民醫院檢驗科COVID-19核酸檢測實驗室, 並跟隨醫護人員揭秘核酸檢測全過程. 首先, the sampling personnel

選擇口咽拭子進行 DNA 檢測有什麼好處

我們許多 DNA 測試的標準樣本採集方法是透過口咽拭子. 這是業界樣本採集的標準方法,因為 DNA 採集速度很快, 無痛且簡單. 這裡有 5 選擇口咽拭子進行 DNA 檢測的好處: 1. 方便簡單 使用棉花棒非常簡單,任何人都可以使用 …


上海迪士尼度假區. [照片/IC] 超過 33,000 上海迪士尼度假區的人們的 COVID-19 檢測結果呈陰性, 週日晚上,該娛樂場所進行了大規模現場核酸檢測,並宣布暫時關閉,以配合與其他省份相關的疫情調查. 作為 8 星期一上午, 所有的 33,863 在該設施接受檢測的人報告呈陰性結果, …


中國已提供超過 1.5 十億劑 COVID-19 疫苗 106 今年的國家和四個國際組織, 在控制病毒和促進全球合作方面發揮重要作用, said Luo Zhaohui, 中國國際發展合作署長. 國家也運送了大量抗疫物資, 例如防護服, masks and
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