最近, 一些專家說,無症狀的Covid-19患者不需要住院, 但是他們需要隔離. 實際上, 原因很簡單, 因為家庭隔離很容易導致病毒的廣泛傳播, 這不利於流行病預防和控制. Liang Wannian, an expert on the COVID-19 epidemic from the Chinese …
Sterilization is an incredibly important part of any medical process. Here at Medico, all of our sterile products undergo either ethylene oxide gas sterilization or gamma irradiation sterilization before they are sent to our customers, which ensures the swabs are free from human DNA, enzymes that degrade DNA and RNA, and polymerase chain reaction inhibitors. How are Medical Sampling Swabs …
長春 — 東北中國城市長春和吉林城市, Covid-19的新鮮爆發最難受到打擊, have distributed millions of COVID-19 self-test antigen kits to citizens, 包括學生, 加速大規模流行病學篩查. 從 4 星期三, 長春, 吉林省的首都, 給出的超過 3.34 million self-test kits to part of its urban …