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關於 COVID-19 無症狀患者的常見問題

As China is battling a new COVID-19 outbreak, the increased proportion of asymptomatic patients in the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases has raised questions among the public. Let’s revisit some important information about COVID-19 asymptomatic patients. Q: What is asymptomatic infection? A: Asymptomatic infection means people who display no abnormal findings on their lung CT scans and have no symptoms such as


診斷 COVID-19 病例時可採集多種標本進行實驗室檢測. 可採集上呼吸道樣本: 包括鼻咽拭子, 咽拭子, 等等。; 也可以採集下呼吸道樣本: 深咳痰, 支氣管肺泡灌洗液, 支氣管灌洗液, 呼吸道吸出物, 等等。; 還可以收集糞便樣本 / 肛門 …


Now there are many tie-dye printed face masks on the market, which are popular with consumers and can even sell tens of thousands of units per month. But some people question: do these face masks really have the function of epidemic prevention? 實際上, the most crucial point to determine whether a face mask has the function of epidemic prevention

如何收集用於 Covid-19 測試的中鼻拭子樣本

COVID-19 中鼻拭子採集說明 1. 指導患者將頭向後傾斜 70 度數. 2. 使用手套並保持尖端無菌, 取出棉籤. 3. 旋轉時, 將棉籤插入一英寸或更少,直到在鼻甲處遇到阻力. 4. 旋轉拭子 3-5 times against the nasal wall and repeat in the other nostril

為什麼不能在家隔離 COVID-19 患者?

  最近, some experts said that asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 do not need hospitalization, but they need to be quarantined. 實際上, the reason is very simple, because home isolation can easily lead to the widespread spread of the virus, which is not conducive to epidemic prevention and control. Liang Wannian, an expert on the COVID-19 epidemic from the Chinese


Sterilization is an incredibly important part of any medical process. Here at Medico, all of our sterile products undergo either ethylene oxide gas sterilization or gamma irradiation sterilization before they are sent to our customers, which ensures the swabs are free from human DNA, enzymes that degrade DNA and RNA, and polymerase chain reaction inhibitors. How are Medical Sampling Swabs


當上海進行新一輪核酸篩檢時, 一條謠言在社群媒體上廣泛傳播,大意是 “採樣用的棉花棒上有試劑,有毒”. 有網友留言 “上海闢謠平台” saying that the elderly at home did not want to participate


為了正確取樣, 鼻拭子必須垂直插入每個鼻孔 2 至 3 厘米不強迫. 然後輕輕水平搖動棉籤並稍微插入,直到遇到輕微阻力. 然後在每個鼻孔內進行旋轉運動 5 約次或更多次 15 秒。. 一旦樣品有 …

Medico 可以生產用於 COVID-19 自檢抗原試劑盒的鼻拭子

最近, 中國國家食品藥品監督管理局批准註冊申請 5 COVID-19抗原檢測產品, 和 10 新冠抗原自檢產品自此正式上線. 深圳市麥迪科科技有限公司生產的一次性鼻咽採樣拭子。, 有限公司. 可用於COVID-19抗原檢測. 公司已投產並擁有 …

中國深圳開始恢復正常工作, 生產

深圳市福田區某檢測點,醫護人員從一名兒童身上採集拭子樣本進行核酸檢測, 中國南方的廣東省, 簡 9, 2022. [攝/新華社] 深圳 — 政府機關, 企業, 隨著最新的 COVID-19 復甦消退,中國南方大都市深圳的企業和企業將從周一恢復正常工作和生產, 當地的 …

China’s Jilin Hands Out COVID-19 Self-Test Antigen Kits

CHANGCHUNThe northeastern Chinese cities of Changchun and Jilin, hardest hit by the fresh outbreak of COVID-19, have distributed millions of COVID-19 self-test antigen kits to citizens, including students, to accelerate massive epidemiological screening. Starting from 4 am Wednesday, Changchun, the capital of Jilin province, has given out more than 3.34 million self-test kits to part of its urban

What are the general standards for Disposable sterile sampling swabs to meet?

Disposable sterile sampling swabs are free from bacteria or other living microorganisms. Generally used for biological sample collection to avoid sample contamination, and for medical use to avoid infection. The material and appearance design of the sampling swab will directly affect the sample collection effect. 所以, what standards do disposable sterile sampling swabs generally meet? Sampling swab head Synthetic fibers
  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

  • 聯繫我們

    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

    網絡: www.medicoswab.com

    電話號碼: +86 0755-28997664

    電子郵件: info@medicoswab.com