Daily Economic News Release: 疫情防控措施如何打好?West China Expert: The next 3~5 days is the key
在 9 o’clock in the evening on December 8, the Chengdu Municipal Government held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control work to inform the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Chengdu. 據報導, 8號, Chengdu added 4 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 1 asymptomatic infection.
After Wuhan, sporadic epidemics continued to occur in many places. How to take the initiative to prevent and control the epidemic in winter? How do individuals protect themselves? In this regard, a reporter from “Daily Business News” (hereinafter referred to as NBD) interviewed Li Jiayuan, 流行病學與衛生統計學系教授、博士生導師, 華西公共衛生學院, 四川大學, 和金冬燕, 香港大學教授、病毒學專家.
Li Jiayuan: 隔離密切接觸者是寶貴的經驗
NBD: 在你看來, 需要加強哪些方面才能盡快追蹤傳染源?
Li Jiayuan: 追蹤傳染源最重要的手段是流行病學調查, 詢問是否可能接觸過境外人員、疫區人員或接觸過境冷鏈物資 2 案件發生前幾週, 必要時將資訊與大數據結合進行軌跡分析可能找到感染源. 此外, hospitals at all levels and types of hospitals will definitely strengthen symptom monitoring and nucleic acid testing of medical personnel. The next 3 至 5 days are critical, so please actively cooperate with residents and friends who are designated as the screening area and go to the designated place to participate in the nucleic acid screening as soon as possible to fight the virus.
NBD: What conditions do you think are close contact with new coronary pneumonia?
Li Jiayuan: The seventh edition of the National Prevention and Control Plan defines the definition of close contacts. 簡單的說, it is a person who is in the same room with the infected person from 2 days before the onset of symptoms and is in the same room with the infected person, who is in a scene with daily contact, droplet transmission risk, 或氣溶膠傳播風險, 並且沒有得到有效的保護. 這些人的14天醫學隔離,是我國第一階段疫情防治成功的寶貴經驗.
NBD: 以成都發現本地新冠肺炎病例為背景, 您認為公民做好個人防護最重要的是什麼?
Li Jiayuan: 成都本地病例的出現顯示可能存在未被發現的感染 (傳染源) 在早期階段. 傳播的程度需要透過以下方式確定 3 至 5 觀察天數.
Jin Dongyan: 最重要的是防止超級傳播
關於秋冬季節疫情防治策略, 金冬燕接受記者採訪時表示,個人衛生, 戴著口罩, 應注意減少聚集、保持社交距離. 最重要的是防止超級傳播.
“超級傳播是小機率事件, 但它常常在不經意間發生。” 金冬燕強調,我們能做的就是盡量避免這種情況的發生, 盡快偵測超傳輸, 並最小化其規模.