» 行業新聞 » How is the Sample Collected for RSV Testing?

How is the Sample Collected for RSV Testing?


Sample collection technique is critical in RSV testing (respiratory syncytial virus testing). The best and most frequently used sample is a nasal aspirate or wash. A syringe is used to push a small amount of sterile saline into the nose, then gentle suction is applied (for the aspirate) or the resulting fluid is collected into a cup (for a wash).

Sometimes, A 鼻咽的 (NP) 拭子 is used, although it is not preferred because the amount of virus obtained on a swab is usually low. The NP swab is collected by having a person tip his or her head back, then a Dacron swab (like a long Q-tip) is gently inserted into one of the nostrils until resistance is met (關於 1 至 2 inches in), then rotated several times and withdrawn. This is not painful, but it may tickle a bit and cause the person’s eyes to tear.


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