» 行業新聞 » Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Testing: 自採陰道拭子指南

淋病和披衣菌檢測: 自採陰道拭子指南


自行採集的陰道拭子可提供有效的, 慎重, 為女性篩檢性傳染感染的方便方式 (性傳播感染) 像是淋病和披衣菌. 這種方法特別適合那些在就診期間不需要進行骨盆檢查的人. 以下, 我們提供有關如何安全有效地收集陰道拭子樣本的詳細指南.

Why Use Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs?

Self-collection of vaginal swabs empowers women to take charge of their sexual health. It is:

  • 方便的: No need for a pelvic exam.
  • Private: Allows testing in a comfortable setting.
  • 有效的: Provides accurate results when instructions are carefully followed.

Before you begin, ensure that your healthcare provider has explained the procedure and answered any questions.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs

Follow these steps carefully to ensure a proper sample collection:

1. Prepare Yourself

  • 用肥皂和水徹底洗手.
  • Undress from the waist down for easier access.

2. Review the Test Kit

  • Read all instructions provided in the test kit.
  • Open the package and set the tube of liquid aside, ensuring it stays sealed.

3. Handle the Swab Properly

  • Open the 陰道取樣拭子 package to expose the stick end, being careful not to touch the soft tip.
    Important: If the soft tip is touched, dropped, or comes into contact with any surface, request a new test kit.

4. 收集樣本

  • Hold the swab by the middle of the shaft.
  • Gently insert the soft tip about 2 英寸 (5 厘米) into your vagina.
  • Rotate the swab gently for 10–30 seconds, ensuring it touches the vaginal walls to absorb moisture.

5. Insert the Swab into the Tube

  • Carefully withdraw the swab without letting it touch your skin.
  • Unscrew the cap from the tube of liquid without spilling its contents.
  • Insert the swab into the tube, ensuring the soft tip is submerged below the tube label.

6. 保護樣品

  • Break the swab shaft at the scoreline (the dented line on the stick).
  • Discard the top portion of the shaft and tightly screw the cap onto the tube.
    筆記: If the tube’s liquid spills or the swab touches anything, request a new test kit.

7. Return the Sample

  • Follow your nurse or doctor’s instructions to return the tube for testing.


  • Ensure a clean environment to avoid contamination.
  • Take your time to carefully follow each step.
  • If you have questions or encounter any issues during the process, consult your healthcare provider.


  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

  • 聯繫我們

    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

    網絡: www.medicoswab.com

    電話號碼: +86 0755-28997664

    電子郵件: info@medicoswab.com