» 公司新聞 » Why does Disposable virus delivery medium sells well

Why does Disposable virus delivery medium sells well


保存液用於收集, 運輸, preserving and storing long-term frozen viruses, chlamydia and mycoplasma. This scheme appeared with the emergence of flocking cotton swabs proposed by Medico in 2008. Convert samples that are difficult to transport (如糞便和刺) 進入液體樣品. 樣本採集過程中, it is widely used to preserve and transfer cells. The formula has been certified by Chinese medical institutions and meets the strict requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration1. Easy to open. The vertical stripes on the plastic bottle cap increase the friction of fingers and facilitate opening.

Medico’s preservation solution has three advantages.

1. Easy to open. The vertical stripes on the plastic bottle cap increase the friction of fingers and facilitate opening.

2. Various filling quantities. Metered inhaler delivery systems have two different tube sizes and different media filling quantities.

3. Read the donor information quickly. Bar code labels can quickly read information, including donor identification and collected information.

In the inactivated novel coronavirus virus delivery medium, the components of virus delivery medium usually include buffer solution, virus lysis agent (usually guanidine), surfactant and so on. This storage solution can directly crack the virus to release nucleic acid, 這是隨後的核酸檢測方便的. Product introduction of inactivated virus sampling tube swab kit The purpose of inactivated virus sampling tube swab kit is to preserve and transfer the nucleic acid samples of inactivated virus. 所以, virus preservation solution constitutes the basic characteristics of products, and products are classified according to virus preservation solution. Virus preservation solution is a reagent for diagnosis or experiment.

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