» 公司新聞 » Disposable Flocking Nylon Swabs



Disposable Flocking nylon swabs

New medical flocking nylon swabs, the use of international advanced technology, innovative nylon fiber technology with high-tech spray technology made.

Advanced process technology to create a sample collection head to improve the patient’s comfort, especially in contact with the human body is not sensitive parts of the pain, lifted the pain generated, while the skin and mucous tissue at the same time no damage, but also reduced the collection of specimens When the bleeding may occur.

Flocking nylon swabs compared with the traditional material sampling swab, due to the high efficiency of flocking nylon swab and high release performance advantages can be directly reduced by repeated sampling of patients, from the laboratory to check, repeated treatment, due to the diagnosis is unknown and delayed treatment And so on the cost, 所以, high-performance flocking nylon swab can directly reduce the patient’s medical costs.

Flocking nylon swabs








All the sampling swabs are disposable.




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