» 行業新聞 » Comprehensive Guide to Endocervical Specimen Collection



Endocervical specimen collection is a vital procedure for diagnosing various cervical and sexually transmitted infections. It involves collecting cells from the endocervical canal. Proper specimen collection is essential for ensuring accurate test results, which are crucial for patient care and treatment planning.

Importance of Endocervical Specimen Collection

Endocervical specimen collection plays a crucial role in detecting infections like chlamydia, 淋病, 和人乳頭瘤病毒 (人乳頭瘤病毒). Early detection of these infections can prevent complications and promote better health outcomes. Regular screening and accurate testing are essential for monitoring cervical health and preventing cervical cancer.

Tools and Equipment for Specimen Collection

Several tools and equipment are essential for endocervical specimen collection, 包括:

Speculum: A device used to open the vaginal walls for better access to the cervix.
Cleaning Swab: Used to clean the cervix before collecting the specimen.
植絨棉籤: A specialized swab designed to collect a sufficient sample of cells from the endocervical canal. Click to View → MEIDIKE GENE Flocked Cervical Swab
傳輸介質: A solution that preserves the collected specimen for laboratory analysis.

Step-by-Step Guide to Endocervical Specimen Collection

  • 準備: Ensure the patient is comfortable and explain the procedure. Gather all necessary tools, including the speculum, cleaning swab, 植絨拭子, and transport medium.
  • Insertion of Speculum: Gently insert the speculum into the vagina to visualize the cervix.
  • Cleaning the Cervix: Use the cleaning swab to remove any mucus or debris from the cervix.
  • Collection of Specimen: Insert the flocked swab into the endocervical canal, rotate it gently to collect cells, and then remove it carefully.
  • Transfer to Transport Medium: Place the swab into the transport medium to preserve the specimen for analysis.
  • Completion: Remove the speculum and ensure the patient is comfortable. Label the specimen correctly and send it to the laboratory for testing.


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