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黑龍江省 COVID-19 確診病例數激增

黑龍江省 COVID-19 確診病例數激增

從 0: 00 至 24: 00 在一月 22, 2021, 有 56 黑龍江省確診的 COVID-19 肺炎病例 (40 望奎縣病例, Suihua City, 在這之中 20 望奎縣確診無症狀感染者. 有 7 哈爾濱利民開發區案例, 在這之中 2 確診無症狀感染者. 6 …


儘管自2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)肺炎爆發以來已有一年 2020, 看來COVID-19還沒有停止他的腳步, 但比以前更糟. 採樣拭子市場需求仍在上升, 那我們應該如何選擇並使用採樣拭子? 麥迪科科技採樣拭子經醫學檢驗 …
鼻腔採樣植絨拭子, 一次性採樣拭子

鼻腔採樣植絨拭子, 一次性採樣拭子

步 1: 撕下採樣拭子包裝帶上的封口紙, 並從袋中輕輕取出採樣拭子. 注意採樣拭子不要接觸鼻腔內壁以外的其他物體, 以免污染. 步 2: 握住採樣拭子,輕輕插入鼻腔 …
天津的 Covid-19 拭子檢測

天津進口乳清粉 Covid-19 拭子檢測呈陽性

根據天津市人民政府新聞辦公室官方微博消息,天津又一批進口乳清粉Covid-19拭子檢測呈陽性, 天津又一批進口乳清粉Covid-19拭子檢測呈陽性 中新社, 一月 22. 據天津市官方微博消息 …


Copy shop sells modified sampling swab nucleic acid inspection report Xinhua News Agency’s client released the original title: Shanxi Datong Copy Store sold altered sampling swab nucleic acid inspection report. The boss was administratively detained Xinhua News Agency, Taiyuan, January 21st (Reporter Sun Liangquan) The reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau of Datong City, Shanxi Province on the 21st


Park Geun-hye’s new coronavirus sampling swab tested negative Overseas Network, 一月 20. 根據韓國媒體最新消息 “中央日報” 20日, 韓國前總統朴槿惠新冠病毒檢測呈陰性,仍將住院隔離. 鑑於曾與新冠患者有密切接觸, Park
拭子確診病例總數超過 95.94 百萬

拭子確診病例總數超過 95.94 百萬

多於 530,000 全球確診拭子 來源: 海外網 1月全球疫情 18: 多於 530,000 全球拭子確診, 且確診病例總數超過 95.94 百萬. 美專家稱美國單日新增確診病例或近百萬 海外網, 1月19日. Worldometer網站即時統計顯示 …
1 經過 102! 吉林超級傳播者

1 經過 102! 吉林超級傳播者

這 “吉林超通鏈” 繼續延長. 到現在, 有過 102 該傳播鏈中的感染者. 在 14: 00 午安. 1月17日, 吉林省召開疫情防控記者會通報最新狀況. 結合流行病學調查和病毒基因組定序分析, the epidemic spread chain in Jilin
路透社: 川普政府要求英特爾等公司停止向華為供貨

路透社: 川普政府要求英特爾等公司停止向華為供貨

路透社: Trump administration asks Intel and other companies to stop supplying Huawei Announced by the World Wide Web, the final blow to Huawei during the tenure? 路透社: Trump administration asks Intel and other companies to stop supplying Huawei Global Network Reporter Hou Jiaxin] The Trump administration’s term of office has three days to end. Reuters’ exclusive report on the 18th
Do I need to be isolated during the Spring Festival?

Do I need to be isolated during the Spring Festival?

Do I need to be isolated during the Spring Festival? The Health Times client reported that do I need to be quarantined when returning home during the Spring Festival? Summary of the latest situation in 31 provinces and cities On January 13, passengers can start buying train tickets for New Year’s Eve in accordance with the rules of 30 天 …
29 省份, autonomous regions and municipalities initiated the New Year on the spot

29 省份, autonomous regions and municipalities initiated the New Year on the spot

到現在, 29 省份, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country have put forward the initiative ofcelebrating the New Year locally”, including Beijing, 天津, 上海, 河北, Henan, Shanxi, Shandong and Guizhou. Some enterprises offer New Year’s Eve and red envelope benefits, some places offer coupons, and scenic spots offer fare reduction. “Don’t leave unless necessary, don’t return unless
official introduction, Razer launched the N95 transparent smart mask

official introduction, Razer launched the N95 transparent smart mask

Razer launched the N95 transparent smart mask 2021 01/14 According to Razer’s official introduction, Razer launched the N95 transparent smart mask, which claims to be the smartest mask in the world. This RGB smart mask adopts N95 medical grade respirator protection, uses a removable and rechargeable active breathing device, and a Smart Pod that can adjust the airflow to achieve
  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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