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Shijiazhuang Metro will resume operations on February 19

Shijiazhuang Metro will resume operations on February 19

Shijiazhuang Metro will resume operations on February 19 CCTV News, Shijiazhuang, 二月 19 (Reporter Du Zhen and Meng Xiaoguang) In order to prevent and control the new crown pneumonia epidemic and meet the travel needs of citizens, the Shijiazhuang Metro will resume operation on February 19, 2021. It is understood that in order to effectively prepare for the resumption of


某婦幼保健院部分嬰兒經鼻拭子確診為肺炎 環球網消息: 瀋陽皇姑食品安全 瀋陽市婦幼保健院一名嬰兒感染鼻腔拭子肺炎, 當地市監察局: 據微信公眾號稱,該公司已停止運營 “Shenyang Huanggu Food Safety”: …
5 黑龍江昨日新增鼻拭子確診病例

5 黑龍江昨日新增鼻拭子確診病例

5 黑龍江昨日新增鼻拭子確診病例 4, 2021, 環球時報報導稱,黑龍江昨日新增 5 經證實的鼻拭子和 3 新增無症狀感染者. 5 黑龍江省新增新冠肺炎確診病例, 2 案例 (1 在望奎縣, Suihua City, 1 呼蘭區案例, 哈爾濱市) 是無症狀感染者 …
13 各省下調核酸檢測價格

13 各省下調核酸檢測價格

好消息! 13 各省下調核酸檢測價格, 而且很多地方都可以透過醫療保險來支付. 今年春節期間, 核酸被檢測為 “護照” 為了回家. 幾天前, 為進一步做好疫情常態化防治工作,減輕檢測費用負擔 …


Medico 產品病毒轉運培養基用途: 1. 用於樣本採集, 運輸和儲存. 產品優勢: 2. 植絨拭子病毒具有很高的判斷力,保證檢測結果的準確性. 3. 樣品密封性好, 確保產品運輸和保存的安全. 4. 產品使用說明書及產品合格證. 產品詳情: 1. The product package includes
Medico 植絨棉籤特賣

Medico 植絨棉籤特賣

什麼是植絨拭子? 植絨是指在粘合劑塗層表面應用多長度纖維的過程; 如果棉籤頭是植絨的, 植絨拭子是由尼龍短纖維絨頭和abs塑料棒組成的一次性採樣拭子. 用於口腔和鼻咽部, 採樣, 宮頸和陰道取樣, 實驗室測試, …
The American epidemic surged in spring

The American epidemic surged in spring

The American epidemic surged in spring.American epidemiologists recently warned that the United States is facing the invasion of mutated SARS-CoV-2, which may lead to a surge in newly confirmed cases of pneumonia in COVID-19. The prediction results of the latest epidemic model released by the Institute of Health Statistics Evaluation of the University of Washington, 美國, show that there may
3 上海市新增新冠肺炎確診病例

3 上海市新增新冠肺炎確診病例

3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai Beijing Daily Client Released The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission notified this morning: 二月 4, 2021, Shanghai will add 3 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia with local 10 mixed 1 sampling Through the port joint prevention and control mechanism, two confirmed cases of imported new coronary pneumonia were


英國發現採樣拭子再次檢測新冠病毒變種突變 來源: 海外網絡, 英國科學家: 等待檢測的英國旅客發現採樣拭子再次檢測出新冠病毒變種變異 海外網, 二月 2 據英國廣播公司報道 (英國廣播公司) 在 …
4 吉林省昨新增鼻咽拭子確診病例

4 吉林省昨新增鼻咽拭子確診病例

4 new confirmed cases of nasopharyngeal swabs in Jilin yesterday Source: Jilin Health Commission The Jilin Provincial Health Commission on the situation of the new coronavirus pneumonia: 4 new confirmed cases of nasopharyngeal swabs in Jilin yesterday From 0-24 o’clock on February 1, 1 newly confirmed case (1 in Tonghua City) 和 3 asymptomatic infections (1 in Changchun City and
河北阻止 120,000 人免於被新冠拭子感染

河北阻止 120,000 人免於被新冠拭子感染

河北阻止 120,000 people from being infected with new crown swabs Zhong Nanshan praised Hebei: Due to strong intervention, Hebei avoided 120,000 people from being infected with new crown swabs Recently, at the launch event ofGuangzhou Laboratory Science and Technology Helping Grassroots Epidemic Prevention and Control”, Zhong Nanshan, director of Guangzhou Laboratory and academician of the Chinese Academy of
醫用口腔拭子 (MFS-98000KQ) DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子

醫用口腔拭子 (MFS-98000KQ) DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子

醫用口腔拭子 (MFS-98000KQ) DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子, 基因採樣拭子和一次性採樣拭子廣泛應用於細菌樣本處理, 病毒學細胞培養, DFA測試, 快速直接測試, 酶聯免疫試驗, 基於分子診斷的聚合酶鏈反應和檢測. DNA口腔植絨採樣拭子產品用途: 尼龍植絨採樣拭子用途廣泛, 這是 …
  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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