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使用 Medico 樣本拭子以 Q-PCR 定量檢測病毒和細菌性疾病

使用 Medico 樣本拭子以 Q-PCR 定量檢測病毒和細菌性疾病

Quantitative detection of viruses and bacterial diseases using Q-PCR using Medico’s sample swabs Medico Technology has an advanced laboratory to develop ever-expanding transport media equipment. Sampling swab is Medtec’s second transport media device launched in 2016. 這種液體早已被批准用於長時間將細菌輸送到實驗室. 今天, technology is increasingly dependent on microbial


Disposable Sampling Flocked Sticks-Precautions MEDICO disposable sampling flocked Sticks is made of nylon staple fiber fluff and medical grade ABS plastic rod. 尼龍主纖維的作用就像一種軟刷,可以有效地改善細胞材料的收集; 纖維之間的毛細管運動形成強大的液壓, 攝入液體樣本; the sample is


The advantages of the virus sample swab Virus sampling swab: 對於流感, 豬流感, 禽流感, 手, 手足口及其他呼吸道及腸病毒鼻咽喉採樣. 產品成分: ⑴尼龍植絨. 第三, 產品特點: ①採用國際通用、方便滅菌的紙塑包裝. ② γ射線滅菌, 以確保無菌. ③ …


Disposable Flocking nylon swabs New medical flocking nylon swabs, the use of international advanced technology, innovative nylon fiber technology with high-tech spray technology made. Advanced process technology to create a sample collection head to improve the patient’s comfort, especially in contact with the human body is not sensitive parts of the pain, lifted the pain generated, while the skin and
尼龍植絨拭子可以改善 DNA 提取和基因分型發布

尼龍植絨拭子可以改善 DNA 提取和基因分型發布

尼龍植絨拭子, this new generation of swabs have a sample size that is particularly sensitive with a high sensitivity and is ideal for sample collection Sample collection is a critical step in clinical and forensic applications, and problems may arise in the test due to the lack of sufficient samples for all the necessary tests The new nylon flocked
CHG 棉籤

CHG 棉籤

CHG 拭子棒產品說明: 葡萄糖酸氯己定無菌棉籤 溶液含量: 2% CHG 和 70% 國際音標, 正純溶液3ml (根據客戶要求) 項目編號: SS-FS708-2C7I 包裝: 50 包 / 盒子單獨包裝 (1 件 / 包)               CHG 棉籤:和 2% 葡萄糖酸氯己定 70% 異丙醇作為術前製劑 …


DNA oral swabs are among the most common and effective methods for forensic pathologists to establish or refute links between suspect box and crime scene. 這是透過觸摸犯罪現場收集的口腔頰細胞參考樣本, DNA證據, 以及不同的嫌疑人, 偵查人員無疑可以將嫌疑人與犯罪現場聯繫起來並加以區分. …
Medico CHG 製備拭子簡介

Medico CHG 製備拭子簡介

Medico CHG 準備拭子 2% 葡萄糖酸氯己定和 70% 異丙醇. 葡萄糖酸氯己定 (中華民國集團) 最初用作醫護人員的洗手劑 . 從那之後, 水性 CHG 劑已被廣泛用作有效的消毒洗手和手術擦洗劑. 1990 年代初,有一些關於使用 CHG 進行皮膚消毒準備的研究. …
Instructions for Use CHG Prep Swab Applicator

Instructions for Use CHG Prep Swab Applicator

Many people do not know how to use CHG Prep Swab Applicator. Today I will write some directions for use CHG Prep Swab Applicator. Look, this is a CHG Prep Swab Applicator:   How to use CHG Prep Swab Applicators? Let me tell you now! Direction for use : Peel the pouch to remove the handle, simply pull the ring collar to activate and
  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

  • 聯繫我們

    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

    網絡: www.medicoswab.com

    電話號碼: +86 0755-28997664

    電子郵件: info@medicoswab.com