Linchuan significance Pharynx swab are made with medical swabs, 從人體的喉嚨中浸入少量分泌物. 取樣的樣品是喉嚨拭子. 為了測試呼吸系統疾病的類型, 喉嚨拭子可用於快速準確地檢測病毒類型. Pharynx swab secretions were detected in pathogens, then as respiratory …
Discussion on Bacterial oral swab study There are many kinds of bacteria in the mouth of the human body. 口腔區的正常菌群對維持宿主的正常正常功能起著一定的作用. 然而, 當宿主的一般抵抗力和局部免疫力低下時,正常菌群中的一些細菌也會引起疾病. …
chlorhexidine alcohol disinfection swab US researchers to complete the study of the role of chlorhexidine alcohol and povidone-iodine in surgical incision disinfection completed a study published in NEnglJMed magazine Research object: 六家醫院的 89 名患者隨機接受清潔手術和污染手術,根據接受的消毒劑類型分為兩組: 洗必太醇 (/ 1 = …