More than 40.24m cases have been confirmed globally, with experts warning that a third wave in the US is likely Source: Associated Press According to real-time statistics from Worldometer website, 作為 6:30 am On October 19, 北京時間, 總共 4,0243,940 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed worldwide, 總共有 1,117,893 死亡人數, 超過 …
1 在 41 在美國的人. is infected with the new crown Daily economic news 10-17 09:32 An average of 1 在 41 people in the United States is infected with the new crown. Pfizer plans to apply for an emergency vaccine authorization in November. The WHO says that dexamethasone is still the only effective drug for treating severely …
Biden campaign team swab tested positive for new crown Biden Profile Xinhua News Agency/Reuters One member of Biden’s campaign team swab tested positive for the new crown and was on the same plane with Biden On October 15, “ 為。。。。尋找結果, the campaign team of US Democratic presidential candidate Biden stated that a staff member of the Biden campaign team swab …
川普小兒子拭子檢測確診新冠 2020-10-15 據美國第一夫人稱, 梅蘭妮亞, 她和川普14歲的兒子, 巴倫, 川普小兒子拭子檢測確診新冠. 白宮最初表示,他的父母本月稍早檢測結果呈陽性, 但他的檢測呈現陰性. The first lady recently revealed that subsequent tests …