川普小兒子拭子檢測確診新冠 2020-10-15 據美國第一夫人稱, 梅蘭妮亞, 她和川普14歲的兒子, 巴倫, 川普小兒子拭子檢測確診新冠. 白宮最初表示,他的父母本月稍早檢測結果呈陽性, 但他的檢測呈現陰性. The first lady recently revealed that subsequent tests …
新冠疫苗已開放, Sinopharm’s new crown vaccine appointment vaccination in Beijing and Wuhan. Drives China News on October 13, 2020. At the WHO’s new crown pneumonia routine conference held yesterday, WHO Chief Scientist Sumia Swaminatan stated that there are currently about 40 疫苗. In clinical trials, 10 of them have entered phase III clinical trials. It is expected …
UN News, October 13th, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference in Geneva today that there have been some recent discussions about the concept of so-called “herd immunity” through the spread of the virus, but this There are problems in science and ethics, and it is definitely not a viable option. Tan Desai said that …
If we gonna know what is the exactly use of DNA/RNA extraction kits,we need to know the principle of DNA/RNA extraction. DNA extraction is divided into three basic steps, and the specific methods of each step can be different according to the types of samples, substances affecting extraction and subsequent steps. 1. Crushing cells by grinding or ultrasound, and removing …
What is virus delivery medium? The virus transport medium is used for monitoring and sampling infectious pathogenic microorganisms by disease control departments and clinical departments. It is suitable for collecting influenza virus, hand-foot-mouth disease virus, measles and rubella virus including novel coronavirus. In the case of nucleic acid detection in novel coronavirus, samples should be collected first. Conventional sample types …