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在全面接種 COVID-19 疫苗之前應清除哪些障礙

在全面接種 COVID-19 疫苗之前應清除哪些障礙

The global medical community is developing the COVID-19 vaccine at an unprecedented speed and scale, and the governments of various countries have great expectations for the vaccine to be released and put into use. 最近, several vaccines under development in the world have been reported frequently. Last month, several well-known vaccines announced the effectiveness of Phase III clinical trials; On


據人民日報海外網報道,福奇擔任首席醫療顧問, 拜登: 福奇受邀擔任首席醫學顧問,維持現職. 海外網絡, 12月4日. 週四接受 CNN 採訪時 (3RD), 美國當選總統拜登表示已與安東尼·福奇進行交談, 國家過敏與傳染病研究所所長, 和 …


幾天前, American expert Fauci said that by the end of the year, the number of deaths in the United States may exceed 300,000; The media said that the global epidemic will face the most dangerous and darkestcold winter”. In response, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said: As of November 22nd, China has exported about 39.43 十億 …
深圳新增一例 COVID-19 陽性病例

深圳新增一例 COVID-19 陽性病例

據北京日報客戶端報道, 深圳新增一例 COVID-19 陽性病例. 羅湖區最新狀況通報, Shenzhen In the middle of the night on December 2, 2日通知, 深圳新增一例與香港輸入病例相關的無症狀感染者, which was a close
疫苗來了, 疫情什麼時候結束?

疫苗來了, 疫情什麼時候結束?

疫苗來了, 疫情什麼時候結束? The progress of vaccines has given people new hope. The next natural question is: the vaccine has come, 疫情什麼時候結束? When will our lives return to normal? 十二月 02, 2020 來源: New York Chinese Information Network Following Pfizer/BioNTech’s application for an emergency use authorization (EUA) for its vaccine
新加坡婦女生下帶有 COVID-19 抗體的男嬰

新加坡婦女生下帶有 COVID-19 抗體的男嬰

新加坡婦女生下帶有 COVID-19 抗體的男嬰, 為研究新冠病毒傳播提供新線索. 2020-12-01 新加坡的 “海峽時報” 11月報導 29 一名新加坡婦女在3月份與家人去歐洲度假後感染新冠病毒,並被 10 她被診斷出懷孕幾週. 女人 …
美國智庫專家: 金正恩已在中國接種疫苗

美國智庫專家: 金正恩已在中國接種疫苗

據韓聯社12月報道 1, 哈里·卡齊加, 國家利益研究所韓國研究中心主任, 美國智庫, 十一月說 30 金正恩當地時間, 北韓最高領導人, 最近接種了中國提供的COVID-19疫苗。. 在同一天, …
警惕 COVID-19 “使人穿物”

警惕 COVID-19 “使人穿物”

最近, there have been confirmed cases of pneumonia in COVID-19 in many places in China, and the phenomenon ofhuman-to-human transmissionin COVID-19 has aroused public concern. According to existing reports, this kind of infection is mostly caused by patientsexposure to cold chain food and its outer packaging and overseas containers contaminated by COVID-19. How should we prevent this


過去七日香港出現第三波疫情, 一周內出現數百個本地病例. 的 28 11日確診病例, 16 是本地案例, 7 來歷不明, 而慈雲山成為重災區. 12號, 38 香港報告新增確診病例, …


According to the Economic Daily, under the influence of various unfavorable factors, the US epidemic prevention and control work is still struggling. 最近, many pharmaceutical companies in Europe and the United States have made important progress in researching new crown vaccines. 然而, the situation in the United States is far from optimistic. As the hardest hit by the global epidemic, …
Civil Aviation Administration: Airport Cargo Transportation Goods Do Not Intersect With Other Goods

Civil Aviation Administration: Airport Cargo Transportation Goods Do Not Intersect With Other Goods

十一月 25, the Civil Aviation Administration revised and issued the Technical Guide for Prevention and Control of Epidemic Situation of Transport Airlines and Airports (Sixth Edition) (hereinafter referred to as theGuide”). On the basis of fully summarizing the experience of the first five editions and combining the changes in the current epidemic situation and the new situation and


New crown virus detected in swab test of imported king crab outer packaging samples from Chile Interface news New crown virus detected in swab test of imported king crab outer packaging samples from Chile, the Customs took emergency preventive measures On November 28, the website of the General Administration of Customs reported that a sample of a batch of frozen
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