清除! 黑龍江本輪新冠肺炎患者全數出院
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China Broadcasting Network Harbin March 1st news: 已清除! 黑龍江本輪新冠肺炎患者全數出院
二月 28, 哈爾濱市第六醫院最後4名新冠肺炎患者治癒出院. 他們之中, one was confirmed locally, one was imported from abroad, and two were asymptomatic. 迄今為止, 總共 638 確診病例和 583 asymptomatic infections have been discharged from the hospital in this epidemic, achieving double clearance.
The current round of the epidemic in Heilongjiang Province has reported its first case in Wangkui County on January 10. It lasted 50 days and spread to six places: Suihua, Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Daqing, and Yichun.
在下一步, the local area will continue to focus on “外部防禦輸入, 內線防守籃板, and personal defense”, strictly implement the “quartet responsibility”, strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, increase prevention and control efforts, and ensure the safety and health of the people.
In order to consolidate the hard-won results of the fight against the epidemic, please continue to maintain good epidemic prevention and hygiene habits, 戴口罩, wash your hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and avoid gatherings. 如果發燒等症狀, 咳嗽, 咽喉痛, 腹瀉, loss of taste and smell, ETC. 發生, go to the fever clinic of designated hospitals in time with adequate protection, truthfully report the travel history and personnel contacts, and cooperate with epidemiology Investigate and try to avoid taking public transportation.