» 公司新聞 » How to choose and use sampling swabs



儘管自2019冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)肺炎爆發以來已有一年 2020, 看來COVID-19還沒有停止他的腳步, 但比以前更糟. 採樣拭子市場需求仍在上升, 那我們應該如何選擇並使用採樣拭子?

Sampling swabs of Medico Technology Co.,Ltd is has been tested by the Medical Device Testing Center. 因此, this product has no irritation to skin.1. Pay attention to the packaging marks when using, and check whether the packaging is damaged. If it is damaged, it is strictly prohibited to use it; 2. 該產品是一次性的, cannot be reused, and is destroyed after use; 3. When using, pay attention to the expiration date of the product, and the expired product is strictly prohibited; 4, according to the medical waste treatment method after use.

Sterilization and packaging methods: 1. sterilize the product with ethylene oxide (valid period: 2 年) 2. The paper and plastic packaging which is convenient for sterilization is adopted internationally. 3. Each set in the big packing box is packaged independently, which is convenient to use 4. Different media (細菌, 病毒, 支原體, 衣原體) were selected for different specimen types .

Special storage conditions and methods: The packaged products should be stored at 2℃ ~ 30℃ and the relative humidity is 40% ~ 90% Our nasal swab has many advantages, first of all, it is soft and will not cause trauma. Soft poles can be flexible and can collect samples better.


步 1: 撕下採樣拭子包裝帶上的封口紙, 並從袋中輕輕取出採樣拭子. 注意採樣拭子不要接觸鼻腔內壁以外的其他物體, 以免污染. 步 2: Hold the sampling swab and gently insert it into the nasal palate in the nasal passage. After 3-5 turns, the stop for a minute slowly rotates and exits. Take another swab and collect the other nostril in the same way. 步 3: Immerse the two swabs in the same tube containing 3ml of sampling solution, 丟棄尾巴, and screw the tube cover. Send for inspection in time.


  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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