一名醫務人員參加 拭子 sample from a child for nucleic acid test at a testing site in Futian district of Shenzhen, 中國南方的廣東省, 簡 9, 2022. [攝/新華社]
深圳 — 政府機關, 企業, 隨著最新的 COVID-19 復甦消退,中國南方大都市深圳的企業和企業將從周一恢復正常工作和生產, 地方當局週日表示.
The city also resume bus and subway services from Monday, according to a circular issued by the Shenzhen COVID-19 prevention and control headquarters.
Authorities are rolling out measures to ensure the safety and stability of industrial and supply chains, and orderly life and work for locals, the circular said.
After three citywide nucleic acid testings since March 14, the COVID-19 prevention and control situation in Shenzhen remains severe but is generally controllable, 它說.
The circular is effective from March 21 到三月 27.