» 行業新聞 » CDC Experts: 現有的 COVID-19 疫苗對 Omicron 病毒仍然有效

疾管中心專家: 現有的 COVID-19 疫苗對 Omicron 病毒仍然有效


新型冠狀病毒複製出新的突變株 “奧米克戎”. 截至 11 月 28, 南非, 以色列, 比利時, 意大利, 英國, 奧地利, 和香港, 中國, 監測了該突變菌株的輸入. 我國其他省市尚未發現該突變株的輸入. Many countries have upgraded their anti-epidemic measures to close the borders, restrict travel, and ban flights. Is “奧米克戎” getting closer and closer to us? How should we guard against it?

Is “奧米克戎” very close to us?

Xu Wenbo, Director of the Institute of Viral Disease Prevention and Control of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: “奧米克戎” mutant strains are spreading rapidly with global transportation. 實際上, not only Omicron, but any strain that is infected can be quickly imported to other countries by aircraft. Whether the propagation speed of “奧米克戎” will increase is still unknown and requires observation and research in the coming weeks. But it is very close to us, because China and many countries have air flights. 這 “奧米克戎” strain is not only in Africa, but has been imported into other countries, and it may have a potential epidemic in some countries, so The opportunity to import into China is great.

How dangerous is “奧米克戎”?

Xu Wenbo: The amino acid mutation sites of the spike protein on the “奧米克戎” include the “三角洲” 病毒, 和 “Alpha”, “Beta” 和 “三角洲” viruses some important amino acid mutation sites. but the increase in mutation sites does not necessarily mean that its transmission is enhanced, nor does it mean that its immune escape is necessarily stronger than that of the “三角洲” 病毒. Aggregation mutations are not necessarily an accumulation, 和 1+1 is greater than 2 In that form, structural virology, cross-immunization and neutralization, and field epidemiology are needed to observe the protective effect of the vaccine. 一般來說, “奧米克戎” is still a new crown virus, and it will not undergo subversive changes.

Does “奧米克戎” affect our country’s existing nucleic acid detection reagents?

Xu Wenbo: The mutations of “奧米克戎” are mainly concentrated on the neutralizing antigen spike protein. The mainstream nucleic acid detection reagents in China are designed for ORF/ab gene and N gene. The two genes seem to have not changed, so the sensitivity and specificity are not affected. The mainstream nucleic acid detection reagents in China can deal with the input of the “奧米克戎” mutant strain.

What impact does “奧米克戎” have on the vaccine?

Xu Wenbo: “奧米克戎” is still a new coronavirus. Although its amino acids are cumulatively mutated, the vaccine is still effective and can reduce the proportion of severe illness and death. It cannot completely break through immunity. Barrier, because in addition to antibody immunity, there is also T cell immunity, and our country has a variety of vaccine immunization technology routes on the market, including inactivated vaccines, protein vaccines, vector adenovirus vaccines, as well as booster injections, sequential immunization, and then there is also the development of second-generation vaccines, which can deal with the “奧米克戎” strain.

What should scientists pay attention to when observing “奧米克戎”?

Xu Wenbo: As a scientist, we should pay attention to the following points: 1. Whether the mutation of “奧米克戎” lead to increased transmission and whether it will exceed the “三角洲” 病毒 . 2. How strong is the immune escape ability of “奧米克戎”. 3. How did “奧米克戎” come into being.

How does our country respond to the import of “奧米克戎”?

Xu Wenbo: Our country’s existing COVID-19 prevention and control policies, “foreign import prevention” 和 “internal prevention rebound”, conduct detailed epidemiological and genomic monitoring of all imported cases. It is possible to stop the spread of “奧米克戎”.

在日常生活中, how does the public guard against “奧米克戎”?

Xu Wenbo: 1. The general public should wear masks and maintain social distancing, especially health monitoring. If symptoms of new coronary pneumonia are suspected, they should monitor their body temperature in time and take the initiative to see a doctor. 2. Reduce unnecessary exits, especially to countries where the “奧米克戎” strain is suspected or has been prevalent or imported.


來源: 央視新聞


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