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新冠肺炎鼻拭子檢測超標 100 百萬


根據澳媒報道,兒童隔離酒店內有數千人因塗抹糞便而被鼻咽拭子感染, 在八月 18, “ 為。。。。尋找結果, 該國維州衛生部門披露該地區第二波新冠疫情溯源. 一次性鼻咽拭子採樣結果顯示 90% …

47 黑龍江21日新增聚集性拭子確診病例


口腔拭子基因檢測有哪些優勢? Medico 口腔採樣拭子 1. 採用國際通行的紙塑包裝,方便滅菌. 2. 輻照滅菌,確保無菌. 3. 大包裝盒中的每套都單獨包裝,方便使用. (任意搭配均可定制) 4. Different preservation solutions are selected for different types of specimens. 



Virus sampling tube is a complete set of centrifugal tubes for sampling and transporting influenza virus, 微生物採樣和運輸管中的手足口病病毒和其他病毒, 也稱為標本輸送管. 適用於流感病毒採樣 (普通流感, 高致病性禽流感, 甲型 H1N1 流感病毒, 等等。), 手足口病病毒和其他類型的病毒. …

What kind of medical flocked swab should we choose

What kind of medical flocked swab should we choose

A swab is a small mass of absorbent material (such as cotton) wound around one end of a stick.The medical flocked swab is used for dressing or wiping on a certain area. It is usually used as a medical examination tool for collecting microorganisms, exfoliated cells or secretions. 與傳統採樣拭子相比, 植絨棉籤有以下區別. 1. …

Will there be a second wave of epidemics?

Will there be a second wave of epidemics?

Will there be a second wave of epidemics? 現在, the newly diagnosed cases in many provinces in my country, including Hubei and Wuhan, have been cleared. Li Lanjuan said that from this point, our country is already very safe. But now that the epidemic in many foreign countries has entered an outbreak period, it is bound to affect our

The latest situation of novel coronavirus epidemic in China

The latest situation of novel coronavirus epidemic in China

從 0: 00 至 24: 00 在九月 4, 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 10 newly confirmed cases, all of which were imported from overseas (3 上海案例, 2 廣東案例, 2 cases in Yunnan, 1 case in Tianjin, 1 case in Fujian and 1 …



唾液採樣檢測方式更便捷, 操作快速方便. 流程如下: 1. 不要吃, 喝, 抽煙, 在裡面喝或嚼口香糖 30 唾液採集前幾分鐘. 用飲用水漱口. 2. 取出採樣管, 打開漏斗蓋, 並透過漏斗將唾液收集至採樣管中,直至 …

How is terrible COVID-19 pneumonia in United States?

How is terrible COVID-19 pneumonia in United States?

How is terrible COVID-19 pneumonia in United States? New COVID-19 pneumonia has become the second leading cause of death in the United States According to a report issued on the 4th by the Institute of Health Indicators and Evaluation of the University of Washington, the new coronary pneumonia has risen to the second leading cause of death in the United



在北京市新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情防治記者會上, Shi Guoqing, 國家衛生健康委員會專家、中國疾管中心急診中心副主任, 說口咽​​拭子和鼻咽拭子是兩種方法的全稱. 如果它們以標準方式操作, 那裡 …

單房或混檢, 哪個更好?

單房或混檢, 哪個更好?

單房或混檢, 哪個更好? 混檢有兩種模式: 1. 一種是抽樣幾個人, 如 3 或者 5 人們, 採樣時將它們放在同一個採樣管中. 這種模式也被稱為 “混合抽樣” 或者 “混合抽樣”, 北京大部分情況下使用的是這種模式 2. 這 …

6 新型冠狀病毒檢測方法, 他們如何檢測病毒?

6 新型冠狀病毒檢測方法, 他們如何檢測病毒?

6 新型冠狀病毒檢測方法, 他們如何檢測病毒? 1. Fluorescence PCR method The PCR method refers to the polymerase chain reaction, which can greatly increase the trace amount of DNA. When used to detect the new coronavirus, because the new coronavirus is an RNA virus, it is necessary to reverse transcribe the viral RNA into DNA before



新型冠狀病毒爆發期間, 大家在做好個人防護的同時,密切注意疫情動態. 起初, 冬春季節是普通感冒、流感高發時期, 而控制疫情最重要的手段就是從眾多呼吸道患者中篩選出真正的COVID-19肺炎患者. 所以, …

  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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