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唾液收集器有現貨, 量大從優

唾液收集器有現貨, 量大從優

Medico 唾液收集器有現貨, 量大從優 唾液收集器也叫唾液收集器 (唾液收集器, 唾液收集管, 口腔採樣管). 基因檢測最方便的取樣方法是唾液, 然後是血. 現在, 通常收集唾液樣本進行檢測. 與採血相比, 唾液採集更方便, 自由的, 和用戶接受. 唾液樣本 …

Applicator meets the advantages of skin disinfection

Applicator meets the advantages of skin disinfection

Applicator meets the advantages of skin disinfection Medico applicator meets the advantages of skin disinfection: rapid,廣譜,long-lasting sterilization effect, reduces the microbes on the skin. 1. Compared with traditional disinfection methods, the applicator has the characteristics of rapid, broad-spectrum and long-lasting sterilization effect, which greatly reduces the microbes on the skin. 2. The CHG applicator has a fast, broad-spectrum and long-lasting



新冠拭子套裝包括什麼? 咽拭子核酸檢測標準化, 新冠拭子套裝包含什麼? 新冠拭子套裝包括: ① 一次性採樣拭子一根; ② 取樣管 (3毫升保存液); ③3ml病毒保存液; ④包括說明. 我們Medico的結構有什麼區別 …

What is the difference between the cervical swab and the traditional sampling swab?

What is the difference between the cervical swab and the traditional sampling swab?

What is the difference between the cervical swab and the traditional sampling swab? We all know cotton swabs, but maybe we don’t know about flocking sampling swabs. This article will discuss with you what is flocking swab and the advantages of flocking swab over cotton swab. What is the difference between the new cervical sampling swab and the traditional sampling

Why does Disposable virus delivery medium sells well

Why does Disposable virus delivery medium sells well

保存液用於收集, 運輸, preserving and storing long-term frozen viruses, chlamydia and mycoplasma. This scheme appeared with the emergence of flocking cotton swabs proposed by Medico in 2008. Convert samples that are difficult to transport (如糞便和刺) 進入液體樣品. 樣本採集過程中, it is widely used to preserve and

病毒採樣管滅活 & 非滅活

病毒採樣管滅活 & Non-inactivated 【product name】 Single-use virus sampling tube (滅活 & 非滅活) 【型號規格】 一次性病毒採樣管 (滅活 & 非滅活) 規格: A型 (用棉籤), B型 (沒有棉籤) 一次性病毒採樣管 (滅活 & 非滅活) 模型: MVTM-2A, MVTM-5A, MVTM-10A, MVTM-2B, MVTM-5B, MVTM-10B, 【預期用途】 一次性病毒採樣管 (滅活 & 非滅活) 用於樣品採集, …



新型冠狀病毒核酸檢測結果為新型冠狀病毒肺炎診斷與療效評估提供重要參考. 核酸檢測的篩檢樣本主要來自深咳痰或咽拭子, which is divided into nasopharyngeal swab and oropharyngeal swab. 所以, 兩者有什麼差別? 咽部包括鼻咽, 口咽部 …



唾液採集器也稱為唾液採集器 (唾液收集器, 唾液收集管, 口腔採樣管). 基因檢測最方便的採樣方法是唾液, 隨後是血. 現在, 通常收集唾液樣本進行檢測. 與採血相比, 唾液採集更方便、免費, 且用戶接受度也較高. 用水沖洗 30 …

國慶節快到了, Medico庫存一次性病毒採樣管

國慶節快到了, Medico庫存一次性病毒採樣管

國慶節快到了, Medico stocks disposable virus sampling tubes The spread of the new coronavirus is very strong, but the fatality rate is not high. It is this very unique phenomenon that has caused the virus to continue to spread throughout the world. 國慶節快到了, Medico庫存一次性病毒採樣管. As a manufacturer of



Medico專業生產各類採樣拭子, 包括一個新的一次性無菌採樣拭子. 一種新型一次性無菌採樣拭子棒, 也稱為採樣拭子, 由棉籤組成, 插頭和套管. 袖子的一端是封閉的, 塞子帽被放置在套筒的開口端, 棉籤是 …



病毒傳播媒介有什麼用?我們可以看出它的產品用途是為了收藏, 樣本的運輸和保存。病毒保存液是在病毒轉移介質中添加的一種保護性液體介質,用於保護鼻咽拭子取樣後的樣本. 國內通常稱為病毒保存液, and it is often referred to as



Medico廠家核酸檢測原理介紹 我們需要科學的方法來診斷或排除患者是否感染了新型冠狀病毒. 目前有具體權威的診斷檢測方法, 而且只有一個: 核酸檢測. 1. 常規核酸檢測原理方向: 遺傳學方法: RT-PCR 逆轉錄聚合酶 …

  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

  • 聯繫我們

    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

    網絡: www.medicoswab.com

    電話號碼: +86 0755-28997664

    電子郵件: info@medicoswab.com