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The new strain of the new crown virus has lost control in the UK Overseas Network, 十二月 20. 據英國天空新聞報道, 當地時間19日, 英國衛生大臣漢考克: The new strain of the new crown virus has lost control in the UK The Secretary of Health of the United Kingdom stated that the new strain of



美國媒體記者: 拜登一名顧問新冠病毒檢測呈陽性 環球網發布海外網, 十二月 18. 彭博新聞社白宮記者詹妮弗·雅各布斯在推特上宣布,拜登一名顧問新冠病毒檢測呈陽性. 早些時候, 美國 “國會山” 16日報道稱,一名美國記者新冠病毒檢測呈陽性. …

“Normandy moment” of COVID-19 outbreak?

Normandy momentof COVID-19 outbreak?

最近, NBC News published an article about the medical staff in the intensive care unit of the United States about to be vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine, and said that the arrival of the vaccine brought many American medical staff hope to overcome the epidemic. 他們之中, a person in charge of the vaccine program of the US government compared the

There Were 2 Confirmed Cases Of Local COVID-19 In Heilongjiang Province

There Were 2 Confirmed Cases Of Local COVID-19 In Heilongjiang Province

從 0: 00 至 24: 00 on December 13, 2020, 有 2 new confirmed cases of pneumonia in COVID-19 (2 cases in suifenhe city) in Heilongjiang Province, and no new asymptomatic infection occurred. 經過 24: 00 on December 13, 2020, 有 9 確診病例 (2 cases in Dongning, 6 cases in suifenhe city and 1 case imported from

National Health And Health Commission: 17 New Confirmed Cases Were Reported Yesterday

National Health And Health Commission: 17 New Confirmed Cases Were Reported Yesterday

從 0: 00 至 24: 00 on December 14, 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 17 newly confirmed cases, 包括 14 輸入病例 (5 in Sichuan, 4 in Inner Mongolia, 3 在上海, 1 in Beijing and 1 in Guangdong), 和 3 本地案例 (2 in Heilongjiang and

Twelve Newly Diagnosed Cases In 31 Provinces, Autonomous Regions And Municipalities Were All Imported From Abroad

Twelve Newly Diagnosed Cases In 31 Provinces, Autonomous Regions And Municipalities Were All Imported From Abroad

從 0: 00 至 24: 00 on December 15, 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 12 newly confirmed cases, all of which were imported from overseas (3 上海案例, 3 廣東案例, 2 cases in Yunnan, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case in Tianjin, 1 case

the location of the confirmed pilot’s stay was announced

the location of the confirmed pilot’s stay was announced

Beiwan New Vision Network released, the location of the confirmed pilot’s stay was announced, tracking more than a thousand people! Jinan current survey shows that the confirmed pilot did not touch the passengers Confirmed pilot activity track announced On the evening of December 14, Chengdu reported a new confirmed case imported from abroad. He was a pilot who had flown

4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian

4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian

According to the Xiaoxiang Morning Post, 有 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian, all of whom were cold chain cargo handlers. On the 15th, the relevant departments conducted regular inspections on theDue Checkpersonnel of Dalian Port Yidu Cold Chain Co., 有限公司, Jinpu New District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, and found 4 cases of asymptomatic

Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday

Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday

Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday Beijing Daily Client On December 13, 2020, Suifenhe, Heilongjiang, 2 new local swab confirmed cases yesterday, and there were no new asymptomatic infections. 作為 24:00 on December 13, 2020, there are currently 9 確診病例 (2 in Dongning City, 6 in Suifenhe City, 和 1 imported from Tahe County), 和 …



12月11日新華社駐中東記者報道稱,COVID-19疫情仍在中東蔓延, 多國單日新增病例持續居高不下. 現在, 一些國家已開始準備接種 COVID-19 疫苗. 沙烏地阿拉伯衛生部宣布 10 日 …

白宮威脅 FDA 11 日批准新冠疫苗

白宮威脅 FDA 11 日批准新冠疫苗

White House threatens FDA to approve new crown vaccine on 11th People’s Daily Overseas Network, 白宮11日威脅FDA核准新冠疫苗: otherwise the director should resign The White House threatened the FDA Commissioner (左邊) 11日核准新冠疫苗. (蓋蒂圖片社) 海外網絡, 十二月 12, US media reported



對於 COVID-19 的肺炎流行, 在許多國家仍在肆虐, 病毒溯源一直是全球科學家的重點工作之一. 隨著越來越多的研究成果被公開, 許多證據表明,武漢可能不是 “COVID-19 的來源” 正如一些外國媒體所說. 來自意大利米蘭大學的學者和 …

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