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巴西總統是 “無力” 抗擊疫情

巴西總統是 “無力” 抗擊疫情

據俄羅斯媒體報導, 當地時間28日晚, 巴西總統博索納羅在接受采訪時表示,他無法抗拒COVID-19肺炎的蔓延, 和 “鬆了一口氣” 死於 COVID-19 肺炎的患者家屬, 這麼說 “總會有人死去, 這就是生活”. 據報導, 有結束 5,000 死亡來自 …

大連孕婦, 遼寧, 感染新冠

大連孕婦, 遼寧, 感染新冠

大連孕婦, 遼寧, infected with the new crown China News Network released that a pregnant woman in Dalian, 遼寧, 感染新冠, has given birth to a baby boy safely after contracting the new crown. Zhao Lian, deputy director of the Dalian Municipal Health Commission, said at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control

在英國發現的另一種變體, SARS-CoV-2

在英國發現的另一種變體, SARS-CoV-2

在英國發現的另一種變體: SARS-CoV-2: 傳遞更強,變異更深. 新華社, 倫敦, 十二月 23 (Reporter Zhang Jiawei Jin Jing) 英國衛生大臣馬修漢考克表示 23 英格蘭東部和東南部更多地區的COVID-19疫情防治等級將提升至 …

我們. 允許伊朗轉賬購買新冠疫苗

我們. 允許伊朗轉賬購買新冠疫苗

  [全球網路報告] 據路透社報導, 伊朗央行行長表示面臨壓力! 我們. 允許伊朗轉賬購買新冠疫苗. Screenshot of Reuters report According to the report, Hemati mentioned that the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control had approved an Iranian bank to transfer money



Pompeo’s wife tested positive for new crown On December 25, 北京時間, according to reports by Bloomberg, 美國國務卿蓬佩奧夫人新冠檢測呈陽性, causing Pompeo to be quarantined. Because of close contact with people infected with the new crown virus, Pompeo announced that he was in isolation. And just before that, Pompeo’s wife Susan

南極洲的第一個covid-19的案例 “只有純土地” 地球倒下

南極洲的第一個covid-19的案例 “只有純土地” 地球倒下

據報導幾個月, 來自南極洲的數百名科學家和研究人員生活在遠離SARS-COV-2的世界上唯一的大陸. 但是現在, 這 “純土地” 迷路了. 南極洲的智利軍事基地證實 36 人們感染了SARS-COV-2. 這意味著世界上所有七大洲都有爆發. …



Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading The World Wide Web released that on December 23, a study published by the Portuguese National Institute of Health showed that Portugal discovers that three new coronavirus variants are spreading. Researchers conducted genomic analysis of the new coronavirus samples collected in different periods in Portugal and found that the three new



Mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person On the 22nd local time, the WHO released information about the mutated new coronavirus in the UK, saying that the mutated viruses are more likely to spread from person to person. Infectivity increased by 40%-70%! The mutated new coronavirus may have spread in the United States The official notification issued

SARS-CoV-2變異體有以下三個特徵! 或禁用疫苗?

SARS-CoV-2變異體有以下三個特徵! 或禁用疫苗?

21日, “ 為。。。。尋找結果, 多位英國科學家在通報中表示,查閱多項數據後, 他們現在 “非常確信” 該變種病毒株比在英國傳播的其他病毒變種更容易傳播. 據綜合報道, 最近, 英國發現了變異的 SARS-CoV-2, 病毒可能會在九月出現, …

美國當選總統拜登公開接種了 COVID-19 疫苗

美國當選總統拜登公開接種了 COVID-19 疫苗

According to the Associated Press, on the afternoon of 21st local time, US President-elect Biden was publicly vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine in a Delaware hospital, hoping to prove the safety of the vaccine to the public. Biden said: “I did this to show that people should be prepared when they can be vaccinated.” “There is nothing to worry about.” 然而, …

科學: 寵物需要接種 COVID-19 疫苗嗎?

科學: 寵物需要接種 COVID-19 疫苗嗎?

自從Covid-19大流行以來, 它不僅對人類社會產生了深遠的影響, 但也感染了寵物, 家畜和野生動物. 例如, 貓和狗可能被SARS-COV-2感染. 中國的論文表明,貓也有能力向其他貓傳播冠狀病毒. Mink是最難的打擊區域. Hundreds of mink farms



The new strain of the new crown virus has lost control in the UK Overseas Network, 十二月 20. 據英國天空新聞報道, 當地時間19日, 英國衛生大臣漢考克: The new strain of the new crown virus has lost control in the UK The Secretary of Health of the United Kingdom stated that the new strain of

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