春節期間我需要隔離嗎? 《健康時報客戶》報導說,在春季音樂節期間返回家中時,我需要隔離? 最新情況的摘要 31 provinces and cities On January 13, 乘客可以根據規則開始購買新年前夜的火車票 30 天 …
到現在, 29 省份, 全國各地的自治區域和市政當局提出了主動權 “在當地慶祝新年”, 包括北京, 天津, 上海, 河北, 河南, Shanxi, Shandong和Guizhou. 一些企業提供除夕和紅色信封的福利, 有些地方提供優惠券, 風景秀麗的景點可降低票價. “除非有必要,否則不要離開, don’t return unless …
Razer推出了N95透明智能口罩 2021 01/14 根據Razer的官方介紹, Razer推出了N95透明智能口罩, 聲稱自己是世界上最聰明的面具. 此RGB智能面膜採用N95醫學級呼吸器保護, 使用可移動且可充電的主動呼吸裝置, and a Smart Pod that can adjust the airflow to achieve …
有 42 new local cases in China, and the source of the epidemic situation in Dalian and Shenyang was initially identified! According to the National Health and Health Commission on the 12 日, 從 0: 00 至 24: 00 在 11 日, 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) and Xinjiang Production and Construction …
16 newly confirmed cases of 12 asymptomatic infections in Heilongjiang Jiemian Press Release On January 13, 2021, according to the Heilongjiang Provincial Health Commission, 在一月 12, 16 newly diagnosed cases of 12 cases of asymptomatic infection in Heilongjiang, Zhang Qingwei: Use the power of the province to curb the spread of the epidemic At the same time, 有 …
從 0: 00 至 24: 00 在一月 11, 55 報告新增確診病例 31 省份 (自治區、直轄市) 和新疆生產建設兵團, 包括 13 輸入病例 (4 上海案例, 3 cases in Liaoning, 2 cases in Tianjin, 1 case in Fujian, 1 case in Henan, 1 case in …
US President-elect Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine China News Service, January 12th. According to a comprehensive report, US President-elect Biden received the second dose of the new crown vaccine; The World Health Organization called on all countries to accelerate vaccination. 同時, it said that the world could not achieve herd immunity in …
初步估計 “案例零” 早在12月 15 Beijing Daily Client Announcement On the afternoon of January 10, the Hebei Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic: 河北疾控: preliminary estimates of “不. 0 案件” earlier than December 15 Shi Jian, director of the Emergency …
新華社, 華盛頓, 一月 7 (Reporter Tan Jingjing Gaoshan) 美國疾病預防控制中心發布的最新疫情數據 7 這表明幾乎 300,000 美國新增確診病例 6 日, 創下疫情以來新紀錄; 多於 3,800 出現新的死亡病例. According to …
河北報導 334 new crown infections in one week According to The Paper, Hebei reported 334 cases of new crown infections a week, and a groom was diagnosed after the wedding on New Year’s Day. According to the data released by the Hebei Provincial Health Commission as of January 9, 2021, from January 2 to January 8, Hebei has accumulatively …
河北衛健委轉 1,000 外地醫護人員 據光明網報道, 河北衛健委已轉 1,000 外地醫護人員, 並將支持 2,000 人們明天. 6日, 在石家莊市疫情防治記者會上, Zhang Dongsheng, 石家莊市衛生健康委員會副主任, 河北省衛健委表示 …