» 公司新聞 » Biden campaign team swab tested positive for new crown




Biden Profile Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

One member of Biden’s campaign team swab tested positive for the new crown and was on the same plane with Biden

在十月 15, “ 為。。。。尋找結果, the campaign team of US Democratic presidential candidate Biden stated that a staff member of the Biden campaign team swab tested positive for new crown. This person took the same plane with Biden to Ohio and Florida on the 12th and 13th. The campaign team stated that Biden did not have close contact with this person and therefore does not need to be isolated.

Second debate of US presidential candidates Biden cancelled

在十月 15, “ 為。。。。尋找結果, according to the Trump and Biden campaign team, the second presidential candidate debate was cancelled and the two will hold their own town hall meetings at 8 pm Eastern time on the 15th.

Since Trump was diagnosed with new crown pneumonia, the US Presidential Debate Committee and the Trump and Biden campaign teams have discussed the format of the second presidential candidate debate, and finally decided to cancel the second presidential candidate on October 9. Debate, but the two men’s election campaign continues as usual.

現在, the total number of confirmed cases of the new crown in the United States has exceeded 7.97 百萬, and the total number of deaths has exceeded 210,000. 在十月 15, “ 為。。。。尋找結果, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an overall forecast that predicted that by November 7, there will be 229,000 至 240,000 deaths from the new crown in the United States.

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