» 行業新聞 » Application of nylon flocking sample swab – 分子檢測應用

尼龍羊群樣品拭子的應用 – 分子檢測應用


Molecular detection application

With the advent of molecular detection, clinical diagnostic tests are increasingly quantified. 然而, the collection and preservation of biological samples is fundamentally regarded as qualitative analysis, neglect or underestimation.
所以, it is a breakthrough innovation to use the flocking process of CFT in the adoption of equipment, which has revolutionized the collection of biological samples and the application of molecular diagnostic tests.

Compared with traditional fiber winding swab, nylon flocking sampling swab has the following advantages:

1、nylon flocking swab does not interfere with molecular dilatation process and therefore USES the technique of molecular dilatation

2、nylon flocking swab can adsorb more biological samples and release the entire sample to make more sample analysis

3、specially designed for anatomy, can improve sample collection

4、The stability of nucleic acid in the sample was maintained when RNA and DNA were used for human papillomavirus, chlamydia virus and GC molecular expansion



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    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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