9 new local cases in Inner Mongolia
據北京日報報導, 21 新增確診病例 31 省份, regions and cities, 包括 9 new local cases in Inner Mongolia.
十一月 25, 31 省份 (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 21 new confirmed cases, 包括 12 輸入病例 (5 在上海, 4 in Guangdong, 1 in Jiangsu, 1 in Fujian, Sichuan 1 case), 9 本地案例 (all in Inner Mongolia); no new deaths; 3 新增疑似病例, 包括 2 輸入病例 (all in Shanghai) 和 1 本地案例 (in Inner Mongolia).
在同一天, 20 新增病例治愈出院, 和 925 密切接觸者已解除醫學觀察. 有 1 more severe cases than the previous day.
There are currently 278 confirmed cases imported from abroad (包括 3 嚴重病例) 和 3 疑似病例. 總共 3,821 確診病例, 總共 3,543 cured and discharged cases, and no deaths.
作為 24:00 十一月 25, according to reports from 31 省份 (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are currently 306 確診病例 (包括 7 嚴重病例), 總共 81,550 cured and discharged cases, 以及總共 4,634 死亡人數. , 總共 86,490 confirmed cases have been reported, and there are 5 疑似病例. 總共 877,922 close contacts have been traced, 和 10,768 close contacts are still under medical observation.
31 省份 (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) 新疆生產建設兵團報導 5 新增無症狀感染者 (4 從國外進口); 4 確診病例 (2 從國外進口) on the same day; 15 medical observations were lifted on the same day ( All imported from abroad); 321 cases of asymptomatic infection are still under medical observation (317 從國外進口).
總共 6,535 confirmed cases have been notified from Hong Kong, 澳門和台灣. 他們之中, 有 5866 香港特別行政區的個案 (5295 案件出院, 108 死亡人數), 46 cases in Macau Special Administrative Region (46 discharged cases), 和 623 cases in Taiwan (553 案件出院和 7 死亡人數).
Source Beijing Daily Client
Editor: Zeng Jiajia