» 行業新聞 » 9 醫學診斷中標本採集的類型

9 醫學診斷中標本採集的類型


當談到醫療診斷時, 準確的檢體採集至關重要. 不同類型的標本可以提供對患者健康狀況的不同見解. 這裡, 我們探討標本採集的主要類型, 包括 blood specimen, 糞便標本, 尿液檢體, 呼吸道檢體, 腦脊髓液和其他液體, 傷口標本, 生殖器標本, 耳朵標本,conjunctival specimen.

1. Blood Specimen Collection

Blood specimen collection is one of the most common procedures in medical diagnostics. It involves drawing blood from a vein, typically using a needle and syringe. Blood tests can reveal a wealth of information about a patient’s health, 包括感染, organ function, and genetic conditions. 點擊此處查看 blood specimen collection tube 資訊

2. Stool Specimen Collection

A stool specimen collection is vital for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases, infections, 和寄生蟲. Patients are usually provided with a sterile container(stool collection cup) to collect a small sample of their feces, which is then analyzed in a laboratory.

3. Urine Specimen Collection

Urine specimen collection is essential for detecting urinary tract infections, kidney diseases, 和代謝紊亂. There are various methods, including the midstream clean-catch technique, 24-hour urine collection, and catheterization, depending on the diagnostic requirement.

4. Respiratory Specimen Collection

Respiratory specimens are collected to diagnose infections in the lungs and airways. Samples can be obtained through methods such as sputum collection, 咽拭子, and nasopharyngeal swabs. These specimens are crucial for identifying pathogens like bacteria and viruses.

5. CSF and Other Fluids Collection

腦脊髓液 (腦脊髓液) and other body fluids like pleural, peritoneal, and synovial fluids are collected to diagnose infections, neurological disorders, and other conditions. The collection of these fluids typically involves a lumbar puncture or aspiration from the respective body cavity.

6. Wound Specimen Collection

Wound specimen collection helps diagnose infections in open wounds, surgical sites, or ulcers. Swabs of the wound site are taken and cultured to identify the causative organisms and determine appropriate treatment.

7. Genital Specimen Collection

Genital specimen collection is primarily used for diagnosing sexually transmitted infections (性傳播感染). Samples can include swabs from the cervix, vagina, 尿道, or lesions. These specimens help in identifying pathogens like bacteria, 病毒, 和真菌.

8. Ear Specimen Collection

Ear specimens are collected to diagnose infections in the ear canal or middle ear. This typically involves swabbing the affected area. Accurate collection is critical for identifying the causative agents and guiding treatment.

9. Conjunctival Specimen Collection

Conjunctival specimens are collected to diagnose infections or inflammations of the eye, such as conjunctivitis. The procedure typically involves swabbing the conjunctival surface.


Here at MEIDIKE GENE, we have specimen collection swabs and test kits for just about any application including those mentioned above. To see how we can offer a customized solution for your specific needs, contact us today


  • 關於我們

    醫療技術公司, 有限公司. 是中國醫療用品的專業製造商, 我們生產和銷售尼龍植絨棉籤, VTM套件, 唾液收集套件和 CHG 拭子 & 塗抹器.

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    地址: 房間 201, 301 和 401 A座10號, 寶龍五路, 同樂社區, 寶龍街, 龍崗區,深圳, 粵, 中國.

    網絡: www.medicoswab.com

    電話號碼: +86 0755-28997664

    電子郵件: info@medicoswab.com