» 公司新聞 » 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian

4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian


According to the Xiaoxiang Morning Post, 有 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian, all of whom were cold chain cargo handlers.

On the 15th, the relevant departments conducted regular inspections on theDue Checkpersonnel of Dalian Port Yidu Cold Chain Co., 有限公司, Jinpu New District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, 並發現 4 無症狀感染者病例, which are involved in cold chain cargo handling at the port. The staff have been transferred to the Dalian Center for the Centralized Treatment of New Coronary Pneumonia in Liaoning Province for isolation treatment.

現在, Dalian has formed 12 working groups including flow regulation, disinfection, 核酸檢測, 等等。, to quickly carry out epidemiological investigations and transfer and isolation of close contacts. The cold chain goods were immediately sealed on the spot, and the products involved did not enter the market. 現在, close contacts of infected persons and close contacts of close contacts are being fully investigated and quarantined for medical observation.

來源: 央視新聞
Editor Hu Yani / Editor Li Feng / Issued by Huang Zhen
[來源: ZAKER Guiyang]

4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections in Dalian


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