» ข่าวบริษัท » 4 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan

4 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan


4 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan
According to the client of Beijing Daily, on December 10, 4 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan and 1 new cured and discharged case. There were no new suspected cases and no new deaths.

Newly confirmed cases:
Case 1: Male, 72 ปี, living in Group 11 ของหมู่บ้านไทปิง, ถนนเซเว่น, Pidu District, and was isolated and observed on December 8.
Case 2: Male, 50 ปี, living in Phase II of China Railway Orville, ถนนเซเว่น, Pidu District, and was under isolation and observation on December 8.
Case 3: Female, 54 ปี, living in Group 3 ของหมู่บ้านไทปิง, ถนนเซเว่น, Pidu District. She was isolated and observed on December 7.
Case 4: Female, 57 ปี, living in Xichi Fifth Street, Xipu Town, Pidu District.
The above cases were diagnosed on December 10.

ตั้งแต่ 0:00 on December 11, the province has reported a total of 826 confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia (รวมทั้ง 275 imported from abroad), ผลรวมของ 787 กรณีได้รับการรักษาและปล่อยตัวแล้ว, 3 cases died, และ 36 cases are currently in hospital isolation treatment (1 case of severe illness) , 847 people are still under medical observation.

จาก 0-24 o’clock on December 10, 1 new case of asymptomatic infection (ชาย, 78 ปี, living in Group 11 ของหมู่บ้านไทปิง, ถนนเซเว่น, Pidu District, was implemented on December 8th, December 10th). Daily nucleic acid test positive), 0 cases were converted to confirmed cases on the same day, 0 cases were lifted from centralized quarantine medical observation on the same day, 31 cases were still under centralized quarantine medical observation (29 cases imported from abroad, 2 cases locally), an increase of 1 case from the previous day.

(The specific conditions of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections will be notified by the relevant municipal or prefecture health commission)

Taiping Village, ถนนเซเว่น, Pidu District, เฉิงตู, Huadu Yunjingtai Community (including ground-floor shops), Tiaodenghe Street, Tiaodenghe Street, Chenghua District, เฉิงตู, Group 8, Yong’an Village, Tangchang Town, Pidu District, เฉิงตู, Chengdu Phase II and Phase III of China Railway Orville, Boluo Community, ถนนเซเว่น, Pidu District, are medium-risk areas.

The rest of the province is all low-risk areas.

4 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan 4 new confirmed cases of new coronavirus pneumonia in Sichuan

Source @健康四川
Process Editor Tai Shaofeng

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    เว็บ: www.medicoswab.com

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