Хотя Китай впервые взял под контроль эпидемию, Эпидемия Covid-19 продолжает распространяться, и мир стоит на пороге нового витка кризиса. В пределах 48 часы, девять посольств Китая в России, Индия, Франция, Британия, Филиппины, Украина, Бангладеш, Италия и Бельгия выпустили уведомления о приостановлении въезда людей из этих стран по китайским визам..
Holders of diplomatic, чиновник, courtesy and C-visa are not affected. If there are special circumstances that need to come to China urgently, they can apply for a visa from the local Chinese embassy. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 epidemic, China had to take stricter measures and adjust overseas personnel to come to China according to international practice. I hope everyone can understand that once the situation changes, the Chinese Embassy will disclose it to the outside world as soon as possible.
Zhong Nanshan also stressed that people should remain vigilant against the COVID-19 epidemic, and pay attention to distinguishing the difference between influenza and SARS-CoV-2 as the flu season approaches.
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