В реальных сценариях противоэпидемической и противоэпидемической работы, medical staff actually have a scientific basis for judging whether to collect оральные мазки или мазки из носа. Так как мазок из носа находится в процессе забора, отбираемому человеку нужно только обнажить нос, и вероятность того, что пробоотборник подвергнется воздействию вирусной среды, мала. Для групп высокого риска, such as asymptomatic infections, входной персонал, or suspected populations in isolation, the use of nasal swabs for nucleic acid testing can reduce the risk of infection of the collectors, and the psychological acceptance of the samplers, то есть, the medical staff, is also higher. As for the nucleic acid testing and screening carried out in the community, due to more emphasis on rapid screening, the use of oropharyngeal swabs is more convenient and faster.
If discomfort or slight bleeding occurs during the collection of the nasal swab, it is generally not treated. The discomfort will disappear automatically after a period of time. If you encounter real uncomfortable conditions, you can wash it with normal saline. But do not wash too much, too much washing may bring more discomfort.