COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that can cause severe illness, особенно у людей с ранее существовавшими заболеваниями, такими как диабет, ожирение, или высокое кровяное давление.
Types of COVID-19 tests
Two types of tests are commonly used to identify a current infection of SARS-CoV-2, коронавирус, вызывающий COVID-19.
Первый тип – молекулярный тест.. Молекулярные тесты включают тесты амплификации нуклеиновых кислот. (ШОВ) such as polymerase chain reaction tests (RT-PCR or PCR tests). They’re usually processed in a laboratory and are generally more accurate than antigen tests, but results can take longer.
The second type is antigen test, which use a different mechanism to detect infection. These tests can be processed in your home using a kit that looks similar to an at-home pregnancy test and gives results within 10-15 минут.
Which test should I get?
It is always best to talk with your health care provider about which test is best for you.
For people with symptoms, the most important thing to do is to get one of the two viral diagnostic tests.
If you have symptoms, get the quick antigen test if it is available. If it is positive, you can start isolating to protect those around you from the spread of the virus.
But if the antigen test is negative, you should get retested using a molecular (aka PCR) test and be sure to isolate yourself until you receive the result.
For most people who do not have symptoms but want to be tested because they may have been exposed, the molecular/PCR test is the better choice. It can find small amounts of the virus that might be seen before symptoms start.
Читать больше: Зачем использовать флокированные тампоны для отбора проб для тестирования нуклеиновых кислот COVID-19?