» Новости отрасли » What should I pay attention to when choosing a disposable virus sampling tube?

На что следует обратить внимание при выборе одноразовой пробирки для забора вирусов?


There are many disposable пробирки для взятия проб вирусов on the market, но и качество неравномерное. Общие проблемы с качеством включают: утечка раствора для консервации проб, повреждение крышки трубы, обесцвечивание раствора для консервации образца, этикетка отделение, и т.д. Пробирка для отбора проб вируса представляет собой контейнер для хранения проб., и проблема его качества напрямую влияет на результаты обнаружения нуклеиновых кислот. Так, what should we pay attention to when choosing a single-use virus sampling tube?

1. Material suitability. According to the implementation guidelines of nucleic acid testing institutions, there are clear requirements for materials, “The cap and tube body should be made of polypropylene material, the screw mouth can be sealed, the sealing performance is moderate, and the gasket is covered inside, which is resistant to freezing. The tube body is transparent and visible, хороший. Следовательно, when filing the record, enterprises should directly choose a virus sampling tube made of polypropylene, with a gasket in the cover, and the cover and the body are sealed in a spiral way. The virus is inactivated at 56°C. Следовательно, the virus sampling tube should have the temperature tolerance under the above conditions, will not be deformed and damaged under the test conditions, and can adapt to various inactivation methods. During the development process, The selected materials should be further verified and confirmed.

2. Sealing. The cap and the tube body should be matched together. Try to choose a screw port instead of a plug-in type, so that it is in a completely closed state. В противном случае, it will cause the leakage of the preservation solution and the entry of exogenous substances, which will affect the quality of the product and cause pollution and damage. risk of infection. In the technical indicators, an indicator for testing the tightness of the seal should be set to simulate the tightness of the product under different storage conditions. The general test methods include vibration method, vacuum method, и т.д.

3. Простота в эксплуатации. The wall of the tube should be smooth and flat, the label is complete and firm, the handwriting is clear, the information is easy to write, and the relevant bar code should not fall off the corner. В то же время, the tightness of the bottle cap and the tube body should be moderate and not too tight, so that the sampling and testing personnel can normally open and close the bottle cap with one hand, which improves the operation efficiency.

4. Appropriate specifications. The outer diameter of the virus sampling tube is (14.8 ± 0.2) mm × (100.5 ± 0.4) мм, the outer diameter of the cap is (15.8 ± 0.15) мм, and the height is (12.5 ± 0.5) мм. The company’s filing products should select the best specification and model of the virus sampling tube according to the above requirements, so that the products produced meet the requirements of epidemic prevention.

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