Соединенные штаты. Место протеста призывает детей сжигать маски
Соединенные штаты. Место протеста призывает детей сжигать маски. Соединенные штаты. вновь диагностированных более 40,000 дела за один день. НАС. “заказ маски” protest scene exposed
По данным США “Капитолийский холм” отчет, 6-го числа по местному времени, больше, чем 100 люди собрались возле Капитолия в Бойсе, the capital of Idaho, to hold a “mask burning” event to resist local orders on masks during the new crown epidemic.
Videos and photos posted by local reporters on Twitter showed that some children and adults gathered on the steps outside the building. Not only did they not wear masks, they were also very close to each other. Some demonstrators also hugged each other, while others held slogans that read “I will not suffocate myself.” Several posters hung outside the Capitol with slogans such as “burn the mask”, “free Idaho” а также “healthy freedom”.
said that during the demonstration, some people threw their masks into the fire, and there were cheers and support. The reporters at the scene noticed that some children also burned their masks under the instructions of their families.
Больше, чем 40,000 newly diagnosed cases in the U.S. in a single day, some states relax epidemic prevention and control, raise concerns
According to Worldometer’s real-time statistics, as of about 6:30 on March 8, пекинское время, Всего 29,689,465 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States, и всего 537,784 летальные исходы. Compared with the data at 6:30 the previous day, было 43,200 новые подтвержденные случаи и 804 новые смерти в США.
According to the Consumer News and Business Channel of the United States, although many health officials in the United States have warned that premature relaxation of epidemic prevention and control measures may trigger a new wave of cases, more and more states in the United States are still canceling “mask orders.” “And restrictions on anti-epidemic measures in non-essential business places such as restaurants and bars. This move caused concerns from the outside world.