» Новости компании » the total number of swab confirmed cases exceeds 95.94 миллион

общее число мазкоподтвержденных случаев превышает 95.94 миллион


Больше, чем 530,000 подтвержденные мазки по всему миру

Источник: Зарубежная сеть
Global epidemic on January 18: Больше, чем 530,000 подтвержденные мазки по всему миру, а общее число подтвержденных случаев превышает 95.94 миллион. US experts say the number of new confirmed cases in the United States in a single day or nearly one million

Зарубежная сеть, 19 января. Worldometer website real-time statistics show that as of around 6:30 в январе 19, пекинское время, было 95,941,386 подтвержденных случаев новой коронарной пневмонии во всем мире, а также 2,047,368 летальные исходы; 536,055 new confirmed cases in a single day worldwide There were 9349 новые смерти. The number of newly confirmed cases outside China exceeded 530,000, the cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 95.852 миллион, и кумулятивное количество смертей превысило 2.04 миллион.

Data shows that the United States, Соединенное Королевство, Испания, Бразилия, and Russia are the five countries with the largest number of new confirmed cases, и Соединенные Штаты, Германия, Соединенное Королевство, Россия, and Mexico are the five countries with the largest number of new deaths.

The number of new confirmed cases in the U.S. превышает 140,000 in a single day

According to Worldometer’s real-time statistics, as of around 6:30 в январе 19, пекинское время, Всего 24,599,455 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United States, и всего 408,331 летальные исходы. Compared with the data at 6:30 the previous day, было 144,875 новые подтвержденные случаи и 1,360 новые смерти в США.

According to CNN, the United States has recorded more than 3.9 million confirmed cases of new crown and more than 51,000 deaths in just over 10 days from January to date. The total death toll of the new crown in the United States is rapidly approaching 400,000, with approximately 200,000 newly confirmed cases in a single day. But a recent study showed that the number of infections in the United States is actually several times higher than recorded. “The numbers are terrible.” Доктор. Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in the United States, estimates that the number of new confirmed cases in the United States in a single day may approach one million.

Над 37,000 newly diagnosed cases in the UK in a single day, one in eightrecoveredpatients died within 140 дней

В январе 18, местное время, according to data published on the British government website, in the past 24 часы, было 37,535 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the United Kingdom, a decrease of more than 1,000 cases from the previous day; 599 new related deaths. As of now, Всего 3,433,498 cases have been confirmed in the UK, и всего 89,860 deaths have been reported.

According to news from the British “Солнце” on the 18th, a study found that one in eight patients with new coronary pneumonia who haverecoveredand discharged from the hospital will die within 140 дней. According to survey data from the University of Leicester and the National Bureau of Statistics, 29.4% of the 47,780 people discharged from hospital in the UK returned to the hospital within 140 дней, а также 12.3% of them died. British media said that long-term contraction of new coronary pneumonia can lead to heart problems, диабет, and chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Больше, чем 22,000 новых подтвержденных случаев в России за один день, Russian foreign minister said he had been infected with the new crown virus

According to the latest data released on the official website of Russia’s new crown virus epidemic prevention on the 18th, Россия добавила 22,857 новые подтвержденные случаи новой коронковой пневмонии, Всего 35,91066 подтвержденные случаи [заболевания], 471 new new crown pneumonia deaths, и всего 66,037 летальные исходы.

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that he had been mildly infected with the new coronavirus and now has antibodies in his body.

The cumulative number of deaths in France exceeds 70,000, а также 49 Chinese passengers were detected as “положительный” due to misjudgment of new crown test at Paris Airport

According to data released by the French public health department on January 18, as of the afternoon of the same day, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France reached 2,914,725, увеличение 3,736 from the previous day. In the past seven days, France has an average of more than 18,000 new positive cases of new crown every day. Since the testing agencies in France are closed on Sundays, there are fewer data on Mondays. В общей сложности 70,686 deaths have been reported, а также 404 new cases have been added within 24 часы.

общее число мазкоподтвержденных случаев превышает 95.94 миллион общее число мазкоподтвержденных случаев превышает 95.94 миллион

On the 17th local time, 49 Chinese passengers from different countries were tested for the new crown virus while waiting for the flight to Shanghai at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. The results all tested positive and were isolated in a hotel awaiting review results. As of the evening of the 18th 32 cases were confirmed to befalse positives.” (Зарубежная сеть Чжан Ни)

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