Бессимптомная инфекция? Нужно ли мне делать пробный мазок?
Симптоматическая инфекция и бессимптомная инфекция — две стороны одной медали.. Если в стране много бессимптомных инфекций, одновременно будет много симптоматических инфекций. В Шанхае на данный момент подтвержденных случаев нет., so I backtrack that there is no asymptomatic infection in Shanghai. Similarly, as long as there are no new confirmed cases in Wuhan, I think it is safe. Следовательно, it is not necessary and impossible to screen every Wuhan person for asymptomatic infection. Some suggestions should consider the feasibility of the operation. Sex.
As for the asymptomatic infected people, I think that there will be no symptomatic people in China in the future, and no more epidemics will occur, so we can not discuss the asymptomatic infection.
sampling swab test