» Новости отрасли » Self-collected vaginal swabs detect Chlamydia trachomatis infection gonorrhea and trichomoniasis

Самостоятельно взятые вагинальные мазки выявляют инфекцию Chlamydia trachomatis, гонорею и трихомониаз.


Самостоятельно взятые вагинальные мазки выявляют инфекцию Chlamydia trachomatis, гонорею и трихомониаз.

STDs are prevalent among young people, and because of their busyness or embarrassment, the adherence to STD is poorly documented in these populations, и необходимо повысить приверженность методам выявления групп риска. Целесообразность и приемлемость этого метода оценивалась в 228 girls from l3 ~ l9 years old using the vaginal swabs self-collected by the subjects for C. trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis.

medico vaginal swabs medico vaginal swabs

Almost all participants (99%) considered self-collected vaginal swabs as easy to handle, а также 83% of the 113 previously performed gynecological exams considered the method to be more acceptable and 97% of participants said that if this method They are widely used and they can self-test frequently.


This simple, personal approach to painless testing can help young people with STD testing, STDs are often asymptomatic in women, detection of tactile infections is to reduce STD sequelae, and the survey confirms the self-collected vaginal swab pair STD testing is easy to operate and is widely accepted. Vaginal swabs are easier to store and transport than urine tests and are more suitable for community testing. Using this new method for STD testing of at-risk populations will ultimately have important implications for STD control.


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