» Новости компании » The second wave of epidemic is coming back? У Цзунью: Китай не взорвется

Вторая волна эпидемии возвращается? У Цзунью: Китай не взорвется


По данным China News Weekly, теперь, когда наступает осень и зима, отечественное население начинает беспокоиться по поводу второй волны эпидемии COVID-19. В этом отношении, У Цзунью, главный эпидемиолог Китайского центра по контролю и профилактике заболеваний, заявил, что вероятность локальной вспышки в Китае очень мала, and the most serious is that hundreds of people are infected. You don’t have to worry too much, but it is worth noting that the global epidemic is very pessimistic now, and we can’t relax our vigilance. If we let go, there will be 7 million people infected in China, 200,000.

As of October 23rd, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 pneumonia in the world has exceeded 41 миллион. According to the Washington Post analysis, было 82,600 new confirmed cases in the United States on October 23rd, exceeding the previous record. Jerome Adams, the medical director of the US government, warned thatthis week, we may have the highest number of new cases in a single day in history.Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, said that the world is still in thedarkest moment”, то есть, “there are no highest cases every day, only higher new cases”.

The global epidemic is so serious that autumn and winter are coming again, and people in China are beginning to worry about the second wave of epidemic. In the high season of respiratory infectious diseases, will there be a local outbreak of COVID-19 in China, and how large will it be? Will it be more serious than the epidemics in Beijing, Xinjiang and Dalian in the past few months, and will it reach the severity of the beginning of the year? В этом отношении, Wu Zunyou said that it is true that the global epidemic is very serious now, and our country is mainly under global pressure. If China is released, all previous efforts will be wasted. “We can make a calculation according to the proportion of our country’s population in the world and the current COVID-19 infection rate and mortality rate in the world. If we let go, 7 million people will be infected and 200,000 people will die in China, which is a great price and cannot be accepted.

Wu Zunyou said that the Qingdao epidemic had just started, especially when the first case was diagnosed, he was still very nervous. “After the outbreak was discovered, Qingdao responded very quickly. A large-scale nucleic acid test was carried out for patientsclose contacts and medical staff, and all the infected people were found to be in the early stage of infection. I am very pleased.

комплекты Причина успеха Китая в борьбе с эпидемией

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