Глобальное медицинское сообщество разрабатывает вакцину Covid-19 на беспрецедентной скорости и масштабе, и правительства различных стран имеют большие ожидания от выпуска вакцины и использования. В последнее время, Часто сообщалось о нескольких вакцинах, разработанных в мире. В прошлом месяце, Несколько известных вакцин объявили о эффективности клинических испытаний фазы III; В декабре 2, the British government approved the use of COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and German biotechnology companies; Mardner also announced that it will test COVID-19 vaccine on children … Despite this, Nature pointed out in the report that this does not mean that the vaccine will be fully vaccinated soon. Before that, solving the problems of vaccine hesitation, supply logistics, distribution, pricing and payment will help clear the obstacles.
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., ООО. announced on November 9 that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer in cooperation with German Biotechnology Company was more than 90% effective in Phase III clinical trials. The Independent reported on November 26th that American pharmaceutical company Mardner announced that the candidate COVID-19 vaccine developed by them was more than 90% эффективный. Кроме того, Oxford University and AstraZeneca Company also claimed that the average curative effect of a candidate COVID-19 vaccine developed by them was 70.4%. Early studies have shown that these candidate vaccines can stimulate the immune response. The latest experiment proves that this immune response can protect people from COVID-19.
On December 2nd,
the British government announced that its Medicines and Health Products Administration (MHRA)
had approved the use of COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and German biotechnology companies,
which will be launched in Britain from next week.
This urgent authorization cleared the way for vaccine deployment in Britain!
On November 30th, местное время,
American Mardner Company applied to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
for emergency use of its candidate vaccine,
saying that its vaccine was effective and there was no “
serious safety problem”
during the trial.
According to a report in the Capitol Hill Daily on the 2nd,
Mardner Company said that it would recruit 3,000
teenagers aged 12-17
to test COVID-19 vaccine to evaluate the safety of single dose vaccine,
and the results are expected to be announced in 2022.