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Новая вакцинация короны в Shaoxing Zhejiang


Новая вакцинация короны в Шаокссинге, Чжэцзян: 200 yuan per shot

China Economic Weekly Published: 10-21
Официальный отчет об экономическом еженедельном журнале Китая, creator in the financial field

According to Zhejiang Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission, Zhejiang Shaoxing открывает регистрацию экстренной вакцинации для новой вакцины Crown Vaccine: 200 yuan per injection

China Economic Weekly-Economic Net News October 20, Zhejiang Shaoxing City Health Commission issued the emergency vaccination instructions for the new crown vaccine in autumn and winter, and will promote the vaccination of key guarantee objects (medical personnel, health and epidemic prevention personnel, и т. д.), and steadily carry out key recommendations based on the supply Objects (service personnel in public places, и т. д.) voluntarily vaccinate, and for general objects (other people who voluntarily vaccinate), arrange for vaccination after registering according to their intentions:
①The vaccination is divided into 2 doses, the recommended interval is 28 дней, пожилой 18-59 лет;
②The price is 200 yuan/bottle (bottle), two doses totaling 400 юань, and the inoculation service fee is 28 yuan per dose.

Regarding the “Registration Method of New Crown Vaccination Intentions for General Objects”, the notice shows that if citizens of Shaoxing City (including residence permits) have an emergency vaccination intention, they can complete it through “Shaoxing Health”. The user clicks on theConvenient Servicesin the public number menu bar, selects theNew Crown Vaccineitem, opens theShaoxing City New Crown Pneumonia Virus Vaccination Willingness Registration Form”, and enters “имя, пол, идентификационный номер, contact information, current statusin the registration form. Submit the relevant information such as residence and reason for vaccination.

Regarding the specific vaccination time, the notice stated that according to the supply of the new crown vaccine, the list of people who can be vaccinated and the time and place of vaccination will be announced on theHealth Shaoxing NewsWeChat public account and the website of the Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission in the order of registration.

The notice reminds that before vaccination, please read the vaccination instructions in detail, fully understand and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of emergency vaccination, and then make a voluntary choice. An informed consent form must be signed before vaccination.

New crown vaccination in Shaoxine (инактивированный & неинактивированный) New crown vaccination in Shaoxin

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