В вирусных сообщениях в социальных сетях говорится, что мазок из горла позволит получить более точный тест на COVID-19.. FDA предупреждает, что это может быть опасно.
ОСТИН, Техас — после тренда в социальных сетях, Соединенные штаты. Управление по контролю за продуктами и лекарствами (FDA) предупреждает о проблемах безопасности при взятии мазка из горла для домашнего теста на COVID-19.
На протяжении большей части пандемии, many at-home tests required swabbing nostrils for COVID-19. Other tests have included saliva in a tube, a less invasive nose swab and others.
Однако, with the new omicron variant, some experts are recommending those being tested also swab their throats. This comes after the FDA said at-home COVID-19 test have reduced sensitivity to omicron.
С того времени, добавление мазки из горла to self-administered tests has gained attention on social media. Epidemiologist Michael Mina retweeted someone who tested negative multiple times through мазок из носа tests but then tested positive when adding a throat swab.
He posted on Twitter saying that symptoms start early with omicron, and there’s a chance the virus isn’t growing in the nose but could start further down in places like the throat. Так, he recommends adding a throat swab.

Однако, the FDA cautions against this advice.
In a statement to KVUE, they said the COVID-19 test should be used as the instructions state.
“The FDA advises that COVID-19 tests should be used as authorized, including following their instructions for use regarding obtaining the sample for testing,” said a spokesperson for the agency. “The FDA has noted safety concerns regarding self-collection of throat swabs, as they are more complicated than nasal swabs – and if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the patient. The CDC recommends that throat swabs be collected by a trained healthcare provider.”
Источник: KVUE