Профиль сывороточного кровотока при пневмонии при COVID-19 показывает, что население Китая в целом имеет низкий уровень заражения SARS-CoV-2..
По данным информационного агентства Синьхуа, Пекин, Декабрь 29 (Репортер Тянь Сяохан Му Тичэн), Репортер узнал из Китайского центра по контролю и профилактике заболеваний, что через месяц после того, как Китай обуздал первую волну пневмонии Covid-19, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention adopted cross-sectional survey methods in representative areas to carry out seroepidemiological investigation and analysis of pneumonia in COVID-19. The survey results show that the population in China is generally at a low infection level in SARS-CoV-2, indicating that the control of the epidemic situation in Wuhan is successful, which effectively prevents the large-scale spread of the epidemic situation.
It is understood that the survey found that the positive rate of COVID-19 antibody in the community population in Wuhan was 4.43%, and that in other cities and States in Wuhan, Hubei was 0.44%. Однако, только 2 cases were detected in more than 12,000 people in six provinces except Hubei, and the positive rate was extremely low. The antibody positive rate of people who have been exposed to confirmed cases of pneumonia in COVID-19 is significantly higher than that of other people, and the antibody positive rate of middle-aged and elderly people is higher than that of other age groups.
The survey covers three types of areas, including Wuhan City, cities and States outside Wuhan, Hubei Province and six provinces outside Hubei Province (Пекин, Ляонин, Шанхай, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Sichuan). Больше, чем 34,000 people in the community were selected by sampling survey design, and the infection level of SARS-CoV-2 in the population was estimated by detecting the serum SARS-CoV-2 antibody of the investigated subjects.

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