» Новости отрасли » China Lowers the Price of Covid-19 Nucleic Acid Testing

Китай снижает цену тестирования на нуклеиновых кислотах Covid-19


A staff member deals with тестирование нуклеиновых кислот samples in a PCR (полимеразная цепная реакция) lab in Xianyou county, Провинция Фуцзянь Восточного Китая, сентябрь 14, 2021. [Фото/Синьхуа]

In order to control the expenditure on COVID-19 nucleic acid testing and screening at an affordable level, and strive to maintain a balance between epidemic prevention and control, economic development, and social life, in mid-November 2021, the National Medical Insurance Administration launched the third round of national joint surveys. Instruct all localities to further reduce the price and cost of COVID-19 nucleic acid testing in public hospitals.

В декабре 10, Beijing officially lowered the price of COVID-19 nucleic acid testing in public hospitals. The price of single test per person was reduced to 35 yuan per person, and the price of mixed test was reduced to 8 yuan per person, effective from December 11. The price is a new low in the third round of national joint regulation and control. До сих пор, Всего 30 provinces have successively reduced the price of single inspection per person to less than 40 юань (в том числе 40 юань) на человека, and the price of mixed inspection to less than 10 юань (в том числе 10 юань) на человека. According to requirements, all localities will complete the price reduction before December 15.

In order to effectively reduce the burden on the masses, the National Medical Insurance Bureau encourages localities to apply multi-person mixed inspections where conditions permit, and charges are based on actual inspection services.

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